Coregistering 4D volume nifti to normalized AutoMask nifti

Submitted by David on


I apologize for the many question, but again I'm stuck and looking for some advice ;).

After processing of the RS data, DPARSF gives me a filtered 4DVolume file. I want to extract the timecourse of single within brain voxels to calculate some own value and create a nifti in the dimension of MNI space which I can overlay with the ICBM template for example.  My approach was to coregister (Est & Resclice via SPM gui) the 4D nifti file to the wAutoMask file, multiply them and then extract the voxels.

Error on normalizing by DARTEL

Submitted by yaosir on

Hi Chao-Gan,

I have encourtered some problems while normalizing the original data by DARTEL. Matlab reported that "Index exceeds matrix dimensions" (Please see figure for detail), but I did not know what it exactly meant. It should be noted I have successfully preprocessed the same data before with different smoothing kernel.

I will be really appreciated if you help me deal with this headache. Thank you in advance.



group mask, t-tests & Reho

Submitted by David on


I'm trying to analyse ReHo with a one sample t-test and I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly :-/. At first I generated a group mask with 90 %. Then I used the statistical analysis toolbox for calculating a one sample t-test with the swz ReHo-maps and used base 0 as I read in this post:

Bug in GraphVar resolved

Submitted by Johann Kruschwitz on

Due to the help of a very commited community member (SASKE), we encountered a bug in GraphVar that could occured in case numbers (e.g. 0 1) were used instead of strings (e.g. "male" "female")  for defining groups (strings were suggested in the default variable sheet). In case of numbers (i.e., numeric) group assignment mismatches of subjects could occure. We are very very sorry for this huge inconvenience and would therefore like to appologize to all GraphVar users that have used GraphVar with the above named specifications.

Group labelling problem (updated)

Submitted by on

Dear Johann,

First of all, sorry for deleting our last topic.

I wanted to remove someone on our email loops but it was just deleted.


I tried with same parameters you sent to me in last reply.

I will send you my data and variable sheets.

Please check these data.

If you get same results, would you send me setting parameters and results as you sent in last reply?


In addition, could you explain how to make one sample t-test result without any covariates (e.g., age or IQ etc).

Question of 'Variables.xlsx' for group comparison

Submitted by on

Dear Johann,

I just tested group comprison results with different input in 'Variables.xlsx'.

One case is input with numbers (e.g. group 1 / group 2), the other is input with letters (e.g. group a / group b).

The results were quite different each other.

For group comparison, should I input only letters in 'Variables.xlsx' as the attached figure ?

Best regard,



Submitted by sebiM. on

Hi everybody,

would you please allow me three quick questions on the scrubbing procedure as implemented in DPARSF (I have been using version V2.3, 130615, for this particular work)?

In the GUI, I have ticked the "head motion scrubbing regressors" box under "nuisance covariates regression", with the default settings (Power et al., FD threshold .5, time points before: 1 and after: 2, method: use each bad time point as a regressor).

Small world coefficient

Submitted by farras on
Dear all, This is quite a simple question, but what would be the correct steps of computing the small world coefficient of a given network using GraphVar or some other tool such as BCT? Apologies if I posted the question at the wrong group. -- Farras Abdelnour Imaging Data Evaluation and Analytics Laboratory (IDEAL) Department of Radiology | Weill Cornell Medical College 515 E. 71st St., S-125 | New York, NY 10065 email: