Extracting White Matter Mask Time series from functionals

Submitted by AJK on


I'm trying to use the segmentation files (c2,c3) to extract the white matter and csf time series from my functional scans for use as a nuisance regressor. Segmentation worked fine, but when I go to do the ROI time series extraction with the segmentation masks, the following error occurs:

Can someone offer some advice, I'm a bit stuck.



How can you make SPM to read 4D NIfTI image?

Submitted by phil1022 on
Dear Chao-Gan, I just realize that the SPM can not read the 4D NIfTI image as your DPARSF does. To be specific, I can not run a slice timing with a 4D NIfTI image in either SPM 8 or SPM 12. However, the same image can be processed by your toolbox. How do you make that happen? It's amazing. I am hoping it is not a commercial secret : p With kind regards. Sincerely, Xiao-Song

Re: [RFMRI] Issue with Nuisance Covariates Regression_additional question

Submitted by phil1022 on
Dear Chao-Gan, So surprisingly, based on the FAQ, what I saw is normal! Thanks for clarifying that otherwise I would never believe it. I used to do the regression by SPM8/REST (originally by AFNI) to eliminate the head motion and WM & CSF, none of my previous methods had ever given me that kind of results before. Anyway, actually the reason for me to look back into these regressed images is because, I find some difference between the results given by DPARSF and SPM8/REST.

Issue with Nuisance Covariates Regression

Submitted by phil1022 on
Dear Chao-Gan, I am a new user of DPARSF (newest edition embedded in DPABI). Before doing anything I followed the regular setting suggested by a friend studying in Beijing Normal University, therefore I believe my settings should be fine. The program worked perfectly until the 'Nuisance Covariates Regression' step. During this step, the 'Polynomial trend' was set as 1 as default; 'Friston 24' was chosen as default, and I left everything in the 'Nuisance regressors (WM, CSF, Global)' as default.

The differents in GRF correction between DPABI View and REST viewer

Submitted by wisepig119 on

Is GRF correction in DPABI different with REST Viewer? I applied GRF correction and found positive results using REST viewer, but when I using DPABI to confirm, no cluster was shown. Why is this? And how to address this problem? Thank you!

help for error about please select subject name in file name

Submitted by yangth0306 on

Dear professor,

I have set the parameters according the tutorial about the workspace-chilli-contest, but matlab indicate an error-please select subject name in file name, and it does not work.

at the same time, there is a worning in matlab:

Warning: Possible deprecated use of set on a Java object with an HG Property 'MouseMovedCallback'.