DPARSF error after reorientation of images

Submitted by dbd18 on

Dear experts,

I am new to DPARSF A and I would like to use this software to analyse resting state data from a series of subjects.

After having set all the parameters and prepared the data in the required way, I tried to run the software from the gui but I get the following error:

DPARSF not running

Submitted by dbd18 on
Dear all, I am a new DPARSF user and I am very interested in using this software for the computation of quantities, such as ALFF and ReOH. I have loaded the data as required and input the parameters, but I get the following error (after the conversion to .nii): Error using DPARSFA_run (line 599) Using exist to check for a variable in the transparent workspace is not supported.

Groupmask after Dartel has holes

Submitted by David on


just found out, that when using Dartel the Group mask as created with the GroupMask tool with DPABI shows holes, i.e. missing/empty voxels.  The indivual wAutoMask-files for the subjects also have those holes. 

Solution seems to be to smooth the wAutoMask files, which gets rid of the holes  and the GroupMask looks fine thereafter. 

Just something that can be considered in next releases :)


AlphaSim thresholding

Submitted by Matteo85 on

Hi experts,

I have a question about AlphaSim correction and how to correclty apply a threshold. I'm pretty new to the field, so my question might be very simple for you.

Basically I'd like to apply a threshold o voxel p 0.005, cluster p 0.05 to my T map.

Once I've loaded my T image on the viewer, I've opened alpha sim option and selected a mask and voxel p value (0.005), I run alpha sim and I get my txt output. At this point I look for alpha 0.05 and use the cluster size indicated in the same line as minimum cluster size using the option 'set cluster size'.

Tun off warning message that asks for co-images

Submitted by David on


Is there a way to turn off the warning message, that gives notification when no co-images (the cropped and reoriented from the dcm2nii) were found? That would be very helpful, because I have to preprocess a lot of datasets and did not reorient my strucutural images and it is cumbersome when the preprocessing stops because of the warning message and I have to manually press yes to continue. When I run some preprocessing over night it is especially inconvenient when the preprocessing does not go on automatically :(. 

Degree Centrality Equation

Submitted by syang on

Hi. Dr. Chao-Gan Yan

I am Seungnam 

I am analyzing the rFMRI data using DPARSFA progrm. Thank you for good program.

I am using the subfunction of Functioanl connectivity and Degree Centrality of DPARSFA.

I understand that Degree Centrality means functional connectivity strength, that is global functional connectivity density. Am I right?

How do you calculate the Degree Centrality?

Could I know the equation of Degree Centrality and it's reference?

I already had a Buckner et al. 2009 and Zuo et al. 2012. But still not clear the concept.

load participant ID from a text file报错

Submitted by yyqf on
load participant ID from a text file报错,麻烦帮忙解决一下,非常感谢!
Error using textscan
Name-value pair arguments must come in pairs.
Error in DPARSFA>LoadSubIDFromTextFile (line 460)
            IDCell = textscan(fid,'%s','\n');
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in DPARSFA (line 30)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


Submitted by RT on
我是做了11个种子点的全脑功能连接,再用11个ROI的zFCmap和问卷分数在SPM里面做了相关分析,在阈限为AlphaSim corrected, p<0.01的矫正后有一些结果。参考前人的文献,可以用SPM的结果直接做脑图,但大多数人文献会把FC strength的值提取出来和问卷在SPSS里面做一个相关图,让结果看起来更加明了。