同一組被試,不同天介入前後的比較應該使用Paired-t test或是Mixed Effect Analysis或是ANCOVA?

Submitted by Tony Xu on





(1)應該是以Paired-t test分別去比較兩天介入後減前的結果去解釋即可。另外,如果想證明不同天的介入前Baseline有無差異,則做兩天的Baseline之Paired-t test (如果這些結果均經過GRF correction,是否即可避免type I error?)

(2)或是應該做Mixed Effect Analysis 或是 ANCOVA 去分析4組數據的差異呢?


Extract ROI time courses

Submitted by lhenriques on


Regarding the function 'Extract ROI time courses' and defining a random atlases as AAL, Craddock or Dosenbach, the output MATLAB file 'ROISignals' does not have the matching dimmensions according to the choosen atlas. For example: choosing the AAL atlas (116 ROIs), the dimmensions of ROISignals.mat file for one specific patient should be 80 x 116 double instead of 80 x 100 double as it results.

This does not occur with all the data, and sometimes the file's dimmensions fit the atlas' dimmensions but it seems very random when it fits and when it does not.


Submitted by veeus18 on

Hello, thank you for the wonderful effort at packaging the surface and volume based processing pipelines into one package.

One quick request for the package - Please include the RSFA measure https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3310892/


Submitted by spl1234 on

最近在用DPABI处理数据过程中发现部分数据在remove first 10 time points后出现脑区部分灰度值异常情况(全部高亮灰度值相同),怀疑是DPABI软件对输入数据的灰度范围设置有阈值,因此查看了源程序,但并没有找到,观察图像灰度值发现异常图像大量体素灰度值集中于32767处,查看说是短整型数据上限就是32767,请问这种情况该怎么处理呢?