Paired-t test 放入的 Text Covariate, 是否可以當成影響Paired-t test結果的變數 ?

Submitted by Tony Xu on



當我在分析介入前後,Functional Connectivity的差別時,對同一組人做介入後與介入前相減的paired-t test時,

分別以對應後測與前測放入生理參數(心率變異度的RMSSD)作為Text Covariates

請問這樣所得到paired-t test結果顯著的Cluster,可以解釋為:

1. 介入後所增加的功能性連結會與RMSSD的變化有相關性嗎 (因為是將RMSSD這個前後變化的因素考慮進去所得到的結果)

2. 介入後所增加的功能性連結是排除了RMSSD的變化,所以paired-t test結果顯著的Cluster是和RMSSD這個前後變化的數值沒有關係的

請問一下我對 paired-t test 結果顯著的Cluster的理解應該1.是對的,還是2.是對的呢 ?


A question about file names of the result

Submitted by 3MCIpawns on

Dear Dr. Yan and DPARSF-users:

After I finished the processing steps in DPARSFA, I found that there are 3 different ROI signal files with ".mat" in the result folder. You can see them in file attachments.

I wonder the difference among them and, if I want to use the time courses of ROIs to make correlation analysis, then which file should I use?

Thank you for considering my request!

Best wishes!

slice timing和realign报错,但能生成相应的文件夹结果,这个结果能否用于后面的分析?

Submitted by lizhe8785 on

老师,您好!我在用dpabi运行slice timing和realign都报如下错误,这个是什么意思?但即使是报错,照样能生成相应的文件夹结果,这个结果能否用于后面的预处理?十分感谢!

Error when using DPABI-standardization function for single image

Submitted by guiziwu on

Dear all,

When I try to use DPABI-standardization function, I put one image for a single subject and then run the function. It appears the following error:

 Attempted to access Prctile_25_75(2,:); index out of bounds because size(Prctile_25_75)=[1,3].

Error in y_Standardization (line 86)
Median_AllSub = Prctile_25_75(2,:)';



Submitted by keke on


用 voxel level FWE 的时候描述 cluster 大小

Submitted by yubing on


我在处理一些 Repeat Measure ANOVA 数据的时候,用了SPM

在结果数据的时候,我用的 voxel level FWE ,P<0.01 (FWE校正, 因为数据量大效应也挺明显,我把阈值做得比较低严)

然后,为了避免噪音和小的 cluster干扰,我设定cluster size 30, 然后审稿人误认为我是用了 cluster level 的FWE

我不知道怎样Revise 才好,不知道这样是否可以,多谢大家。