Error related to asking T1 image

Submitted by Floating on

Dear Experts,

DPARSF has been very useful and I appreciate all the help I got from here.  I ran into a problem for ALFF.  Although I have choosen Normalize by using EPI templates, DPARSFA requests for T1 image for ALFF.


Here is the error:

0.032254 for pre-processing

0.742579 for normal computation

2.936321 for search along normal

0.138178 for checking self-intersection

0.007303 for output

Bet finished

Error using cd

Cannot CD to C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Test\FunImgARWC\T1Img\10111 (Name is nonexistent or


Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on


博士后:(1)具有博士学位。(2)以第一/通讯作者发表(含接收)英文论文一篇以上。 (3)具有神经影像、计算机、认知神经科学、心理学、或精神病学相关背景。

How to caculate how many volumns were scrubbed for each subject using DPARSFA?

Submitted by Yangmei Luo on
I used the "scrubbing"  module in DPARSF  to clean my data. Is there any method to caculate how many volumns were scrubbed for each participant? The DPARSF seems not to report this data. 
Thank you in advance for your kind help. Any help is appreciated. 
Yangmei Luo

DPABI中nuisance removal文件夹设置

Submitted by wujingxi on

1.        用SPM完成预处理步骤,想用DPABI完成CSF、WM、头动的nuisance removal,文件夹应该如何排列?整个过程中用到了什么文件?

2.        在中推荐Remove Covariance--> ALFF computation --> Bandpass filter 的计算方式,用DPABI操作时候设置如下: