Scrubbing function

Submitted by YukiSakai on

Dear DPARSFA experts,

 Thank you very much for the powerful tool. I have several questions.

 1. I cannot find the function to calcurate the FD of Power's method in DPARSFA folder. Where is it and what is the name of function?

 2. I can easily recognize the propotion of excluded frame by HeadMotion.tsv when the threshold is 0.5 or 0.2. In the case of other settings of threshold, how can I get that information?




Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on



讲者:吴涛。医学博士,首都医科大学宣武医院老年病研究所研究员, 北京脑重大疾病研究院帕金森病研究所教授。主要从事利用功能影像技术进行帕金森病神经机制及生物标记物研究。在国际上首先将静息态fMRI技术引入帕金森病研究。为美国自然科学基金会(NSF)、美国The Michael J. Fox帕金森病基金会、加拿大国家科学和工程研究会、法国国家研究局(ANR)、比利时帕金森病基金会(BPF)等多个国内外基金会评审专家。共发表SCI论文50余篇,被引用3000多次,H指数28。

How to create ROIs with MNI coordinate and draw on brain

Submitted by longhongquan on

Dear Professor,

I have some ROIs coordinates in MNI format, including both cortical and sub-cortical points. And I want to visually map it on the brain with different colors. I am using HCP dataset and the its workbench. I am wondering how to create the standard file which contains my ROIs and can be directly drawn on the brain with different colors?

I would truly apprieciate if you could provide me with some hints.

Thank you.

seed-based FC

Submitted by fish on

Dear Dr.YAN,

I am sorry to ask you a stupid question. Recently I want use the Rest to do seed-based FC, the input parameter contains some subjects(including patients and controls) with nii format, then voxel wise defined the roi, do all, fisher Z. The result only have two images in nii format which named FCMap and zFCMap, I  don't think it can be used for later on two-sample t test. What's the wrong step do I made? And I also would like to know if I ues DPARSFA, is it will be a little difficult?

