cannot extract measures from sample matrices

Submitted by lnestor on

I have read the GraphVar manual - it's all very clear. I want to get used to simply calculating and exporting graph measures using the Conn Matrix files in the sample workspace.  I have loaded just two of the files (to make it quicker) and chosen to calculate measures on the weighted matrices. I chose to extract the Weighted: Strength (UND) values. When I try to do this it just locks the screen and doesn't show anything else (i.e. progress bars). I don't receive any error messages. I have tried on other weighted measures and experience the same thing.

Subject List

Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on

Subject List is the list of subjects whose data needs to be processed.

After setting the Starting Directory Name at the bottom right of DPARSF, the program will read the directories under the Starting Directory (E.g., FunRaw or FunImg), and put them in to the Participants List field.

Slice Timing

Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on

Most fMRI data are acquired using two-dimensional pulse sequences that acquire images one slice at a time, thus all slices are acquired at different time within a repeat time (TR). Timing differences are especially problematic for longer TR. Hence the differences in image acquisition time between slices need to be corrected.