Unespected error in DPARFSA

Submitted by Jordi on
Hello to everyone.
I'm trying to use DPABI to preprocess some structural and resting state data.
I would need to spatially normalize both structural and functional to a template made on this specific sample of subjects, in order to later perform some unsupervised clasification.
However, I get the error in the screenshot attached.
I also attach the screen of the settings I used which generate the error.
How could I solve the problem?
Thanks a lot.

Problem with automask

Submitted by cmorawe on

Hi there

I have some problems with the normalisation step. First of all, do I need to run automask if I want to use normalize by using EPI tamplates? What is the best normalisation step? EPI or T1?

If I run automask I get the following error (see attached file).

If I run normalisation without automask, I get an error saying that the automaks does not exist, so I assume I need automask to run the normalization?

Any help is very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance



Problem with automask

Submitted by cmorawe on

Hi there

I have some problems with the normalisation step. First of all, do I need to run automask if I want to use normalize by using EPI tamplates? What is the best normalisation step? EPI or T1?

If I run automask I get the following error (see attached file).

If I run normalisation without automask, I get an error saying that the automaks does not exist, so I assume I need automask to run the normalization?

Any help is very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance



error in DPARSFA - Reference to non-existent field ROIDefForEachSubject

Submitted by d_kom on

Dear experts,

I tried to preprocess my resting state data with DPARSFA version 4.3_170105 in MATLAB 2015a. I get the following error: "error using DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) (line 4088) Reference to non-existent field 'ROIDefForEachSubject'.

Attached is the screenshot. I searched the forums, and I saw the suggestion that this might happen if you don't click the Define ROI button. However, I did click the button and defined the ROIs, by navgating to them in the window that popped up, and made sure the paths to mask files were correct.

T1 Average image tools

Submitted by bioengman on
Hi, Trying to average multiple anatomical data for one subject using T1 Average image tools, I got this error. I think its the way how im arranging my data. Can you please let me know how I can arrange it correctly. Error using cd Cannot CD to C:\Users\lab1\Documents\96\T1Img_MultiRun\C:\Users\Meaneylab1\Documents\96\T1Img_MultiRun (Directory access failure).


Submitted by Chen0075 on

Dear Dr. Yan,

I used the 90*90 FC matrix to calculate the topological metric-Modularity on the GRETNA. Several results can be obtained , but I dont kown their meaning: "community_index_All_Node", "participant_coefficient_All_Node", and "size_of_maximum_component". The author of GRETNA did not explain the meaning of these measurments in the Mannual. Could you help me? 

Thanks very much!