Realignment error - DPARSFA
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I am getting the following error after trying to run realignment on DPARSF A:
Error using cfg_util (line 835)
I am getting the following error after trying to run realignment on DPARSF A:
Error using cfg_util (line 835)
I am getting the following error after trying to run realignment on DPARSF A:
Error using cfg_util (line 835)
hi Dr.Yan,
May I know why dparsfa 3.14 failed in generating auto mask? Would you mind to help me with that?
Thanks in advance for your help.
老师们好,我用DPABI中的IMAGE RESILCE 对灰质密度文件(WRP1)重采样后,无论目标的voxel size是多少,所得图片文件的各体素均没有可用的密度数值,只分为0或1,请问怎么解决?而对mwrp1文件进行处理是正常的。换了别人的电脑也一样。
GRETNA: Cannot find T1 imageForums
Dear GRETNA experts: I am using the latest GRETNA 2.0 with Matlab 2017b/SPM12 for Graph Theory Pre_processing. OS: Ubuntu 16.0.4 Please see the attached screenshot for error message. Thanks for considering my request. Best regards Larry
dpabi 3.0 使用小bugForums
严老师: 感谢严老师辛勤付出,老师一直辛苦更新软件版本,方便我们这些普通使用者的学习使用。我最近跑任务态预处理时,发现使用dpabi3.0时,每次都是从原始数据转为nifti数据时,都是转换后,有个别被试的转换后的数据,被留在了funraw下被试的子文件夹下,即和原始数据在一起,funimag下没有相应的被试子文件夹。但是当我换为dpabi1712上个版本时,预处理就无这种错误。我使用的是spm12. 不知道这是什么原因? 是不是新出的版本兼容不好,但是我试了好几次都是i这样。 谢谢老师! negative numbers for time courses
Dear R-fMRI Network team,
I am looking at the ROI Signals_ xxx which outputs the time courses for each ROI and I am surprised that some of these numbers are negative? Could you please explain why that would be the case?
With kind regards,
DPABI standalone 3.0 启动报错Forums
各位专家号,我的旧版本 DPABI standalone 2.3 一直运行稳定,但是新版本 3.0 升级了一直无法启动(我的笔记本 Thinkpad T470P, Win 10 操作系统,Matlab的 MCR 正常安装,运行 2.3 正常),报错截屏见附件,多谢指教! DPARFA预处理错误Forums
Running 'New Segment'
Done 'New Segment'
Longitudinal resting state fMRI AnalysesForums
Dear Prof. Yan, I wold like to run a longitudinal seed-based analysis on resting state functional connectivity with DPARSFA . I am already familiar with the cross-sectional analyses with your software, but I would like to know how I can improve the analyses considering the presence of 2 time points (1 year apart) in the preprocessing. Thank you in advanced, |