DAPBISurf 使用问题请教

Submitted by ly666 on


        最近正在学习DPABISurf的使用,也研究了fmriprep。相比于官方的fmriprep,DPABISurf提供了更好的交互界面(用户体验),以及后续的一系列处理,如regress out nuisance, smoothing,filtering ..., 十分方便,感谢DPABI团队提供如此优秀的工具包。在使用的过程中我也遇到了一些问题,希望各位老师指教。

       1) 关于fmriprep提供的volume空间分辨率只有1m, 2m 和 native, 如果想要配准到3m*3m*3m标准空间怎么办?(数据的原始分辨率比较大,2m会增加计算负担,且可能信息冗余)。如果可以直接resample的话,我应该先配准到哪个分辨率(1m,2m 或者 native)?如果我的处理步骤是FunVoluWCSF的话,我应该把resample放在哪步之后比较好?

ROI order for Power atlas

Submitted by leo.tozzi on

Dear Experts,

When looking at the Power atlas ROIs, am I correct that they are ordered in the same way as provided by Power, i.e. at his website here:


There is a link there that leads to a table (attached to this post).

I am trying to group these ROIs into networks and therefore it would be crucial for me to be sure that your numbering matches the table.

Thank you very much,


Leonardo Tozzi

ROI order for Power atlas

Submitted by leo.tozzi on

Dear Experts,

When looking at the Power atlas ROIs, am I correct that they are ordered in the same way as provided by Power, i.e. at his website here:


There is a link there that leads to a table (attached to this post).

I am trying to group these ROIs into networks and therefore it would be crucial for me to be sure that your numbering matches the table.

Thank you very much,


Leonardo Tozzi

Covariates removed during preprocessing

Submitted by leo.tozzi on

Dear Experts,

In the resting state data information, the following is reported:

C - Covariates Removed (without global signal regression)
globalC - Covariates Removed (with global signal regression)

I was wondering exactly which covariates have been removed. Is this just motion parameters or also phisiological noise?
Thank you,


Leonardo Tozzi

Functional Connectivity and statistical questions

Submitted by Jaczhao on

Dear professor Yan, 

I'm using the dpabi toolbox to calculate functional connectivity for two group of subjects and trying to compare the result, and I have the 3 following questions:

1. Which text file I should select to put into network analysis for graphic properties: the one from 'ROISignals_FunImgARCWS' or the one from 'ROISignals_FunImgARglobalCWS'?

2. The similar one with the first: which result I should look at if I want to compare FC results between the two group: the ones from 'FC_FunImgARCWS' or 'FC_FunImgARglobalCWS'?

Error Message while running Statistical Analysis with dpabi

Submitted by Docli on

Dear Professer Yan Chao-gan:

          The resting state function data are preprocessed by DPABI software, and the ReHo and ALFF parameters are obtained. now, in order to carry out the ANOVA analysis of repeated measurement, there are the following errors. However, the software did not report an error when running one sample T test. 

Running DPABI with singularity

Submitted by ping on


I am helping a user setting up a singularity container for DPABI. I have created a DPABI singularity image from the docker image. But when running 'run_DPABI_StandAlone.sh', I got the following error. It tries to extract the CTF file to a directory which doesn't seems to be writable. Any idea what's wrong and how to resolve it?


$ singularity exec -B /path/to/mydata:/data,/path/to/mylicense.txt:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt /tmp/dpabi.sif /opt/DPABI/DPABI_StandAlone/run_DPABI_StandAlone.sh /opt/mcr/v98


Submitted by Oscar on




而输入这个mask之后就会使得FWHM都为NaN;如果点击estimate smoothness,则会报错,如图“error in estimate smoothness”所示。

这时我注意到该过程是要将T值转为Z值,虽然不是很清楚其中的原理,但是我就换了一个two sample T test 的结果图上去,发现果然可行,唯一的问题就是FWHM仍然都是NaN……


dpabi -'matlab.ui.Figure' problem

Submitted by lucy on

老师,您好,我是在Linux(opensuse)的matlab 2015b(SPM 12)上用DPABI_V4.3_20040进行2个被试进行分析,然后就在“PicturesForChkNormalization”部分,就报错(如下图)。但问题是每次只要跑一个人的数据的时候就没有问题。我看FAQ中其他人也遇到过类似的问题,解决办法有“缩短被试文件名”、“更新spm”等等。这两个我都是试了。但是还是没有解决这个问题。