Detrend fails

Submitted by mburgaleta on


Dear experts,

I am getting an error in the detrend stage of DPARSF. I could reproduce this error many times (I didn't click any button nor interacted in any way with the software). Note that I also get some warnings that I don't know if I should be worried about.

I am running this on Matlab R2007b on a MacOSX 10.6.

Thanks in advance for your help!




standardization methods

Submitted by hoptman on

Hi Chao-Gan,
I am reading your standardization paper and would like to implement it going forward. 

However, as far as I can see, the processing stream calls for slice timing correction, motion correction, and nuisance covariate analyses (using Friston24, CSF, and WM, but without GSR).  Wouldn't this give a mean of zero for the FunImgRC files?  If so, where does the mean come from in the group level analysis?  Do I just take the mean and SD of the FunImgR images and use those?


答复: [RFMRI] DPARSFA做任务fMRI数据预处理报错

Submitted by sandywang on
SPM8有一个版本slicetiming似乎有些问题,可以打上补丁后再试试 From my windowsphone. ------------------------------ 发件人: The R-fMRI Network 发送时间: ‎2014/‎5/‎27 5:44 收件人: 主题: Re: [RFMRI] DPARSFA做任务fMRI数据预处理报错 [To post a comment, please reply to ABOVE this line] Commented by YAN Chao-Gan (YAN Chao-Gan) Hi, 这个看起来比较奇怪。

Generating a PicturesForChkNormalization folder after pre-processing

Submitted by florence.ruby on


After preprocessing resting-state data using DPARSF I accidentally deleted the PicturesForChkNormalization folder. 
Is there a way using DPARSF to generate the folder and associated data again, without re-running all the preprocessing?  
The data I am using has 150 cases so re-running preprocessing would take quite some time. 

Thank you in advance for your help!


Odd behaviors on warpping masks into individual space

Submitted by Yuan on


When I used DARSFA2.3 to compute interegional functional connectivity following the steps Calculate in Original Space (warp by information from unified segmentation), I found that I just got "NaN" for  some ROIs for some subjects. For example,  we got "NaN" in a few of subjects, but got values related to ROI1 in the rest of subjects. I checked the ROI1 masks of these wrong "subjects", and found  the images of these masks were empty. 

These ROIs are in MNI space.

New segment+DARTEL and normalizing

Submitted by evast001 on

Hello everyone

Warning for a confused post.

I have a question regarding which kind of normalization procedure to use. In my preprocessing I'm using New segment + Dartel and the "normalize using Dartel" options. Is this correct or are there certain criterias important to fulfill before using the Dartel normalization procedure? What is the main reason for using DARTEL overall?

DPARSF2.3_strange result: normalize by DARTEL voxel size [2 2 2]

Submitted by jo on

Dear Dr. Yan,

Everything is OK when I use normalize by DARTEL and  voxel size being set up to [3 3 3]. However, when I changed the voxel size to [2 2 2], there are a lot of dark stripe on the normalized image.  I have attached those two pictures from "PicturesForChkNormalization". Your kind help will be highly appreciated.



Overlay Preprocessed Images on AAL atlas

Submitted by joana on

Dear all,

I've  been using DPARSF v2.3 to extract AAL time courses from fMRI data. 

I have a couple of subjects that seem to show signal dropout in the frontal lobe.

I would like to overlay the AAL atlas on the preprocessed fMRI images of these subjects to see if the AALs' frontal labels are affected.

I tried to do this by overlaying the preprocessed fMRI images on the AAL template of DPARSF but the problem is they have different dimensions.


Submitted by linjh on

Dear sir(s),

I want to use the data released at NITRC as my database (normal control) to further my study about resting network.

However, some bias I should correct.

As I have known, a strategy like de-mean might solve my problem.

The detailing might be like (take an example like: I would like to check clevealnd case<cle1>'s resting network in comparison to leipzig--lpz1,2,3...)

I should calculate lpz1-lpz1(mean), lpz2-lpz2(mean), lpz3-lpz3(mean).......lpzn-lpzn(mean) -----> De-mean