
Submitted by wonder on

老师您好,请问,我用DPARSFA做任务fMRI数据预处理时报错,我是选的模板里面的Task fMRI data preprocessing 这一项,根据我的扫描参数修改了一下,结果报错如下,请问该如何解决?谢谢!!

错误使用 file_array/subsref>subfun (line 80)
在 'file2mat' 的工作进程上引发了 UndefinedFunction 错误。这可能是因为在这些工作进程上无法访问包含 'file2mat' 的文件。使用 addAttachedFiles(pool, files)
指定要附加的必要文件。请参阅 'parallel.Pool/addAttachedFiles'的相关文档以获取更多详细信息。

出错 file_array/subsref (line 60)
    t = subfun(sobj,args{:});

出错 nifti/subsref>rec (line 219)
            t = subsref(t,subs(2:end));

Issues while preprocessing fMRI images

Submitted by farras on
Dear all, I've been encountering issues preprocessing a population of about 60 subjects. Matlab appears to crash after producing the following folders FunImg, FunImgA, FunImgAR, RealignParameter, T1img, TaCoreg, and T1imgNewSegment. Following is the error message: /usr/local/bin/matlab: line 3: 803 Segmentation fault (core dumped) /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/bin/matlab "$@" [3]- Exit 139 matla Is it possible that the program couldn't find the atlas image?

Error in Mask step

Submitted by farras on
Hi, I just encountered an error while processing fMRI images. It appears that the error happened at functional connectivity stage. It indicates a missing BrainMask_05_61x73x61.hdr file from a DPARSF templates folder. When I checked the folder I found BrainMask_05_91_109_91.hdr but not 61x73x61. I found AAL_61x73_61_YCG.nii but I'm not sure if it is just a matter of renaming it. Here is the message: Error using rest_readfile (line 95) Error opening header file.

Correlation files

Submitted by evast001 on

Hi all

First of all I have to say that I'm really liking the DPARSF extension, it's very cool.

I've used DPARSF to calculate FC using 4 user-defined ROIs. In the textfile "ROISignals_subjectname.txt" I find the extracted time courses for my 4 ROIs in 4 columns, each row representing my number of time points. However, when looking at the "ROICCorrelation_subjectname.txt" I only find 4 columns and 4 rows. I'm not really sure how to read this data and use it in further analysis.

If someone could give me some pointers I would be deeply grateful!


DPARSFA issues (edited)

Submitted by farras on

Sorry, the email I sent earlier appears to be posted incomplete. Here's the complete message I got from Matlab:

Warning: Run spm_jobman('initcfg'); beforehand

In spm_jobman at 107 In DPARSFA_run at 393

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Running 'Slice Timing' SPM8: spm_slice_timing (v3756) 17:35:27 - 09/04/2014


Issues with DPARSFA

Submitted by farras on
Dear DPARSF experts, I have successfully used DPARSFA in the past and found it to be very useful. I've encountered problems running a preprocessing job on 57 subjects. I grouped the T1 *.dcm subjects in T1Raw and the fMRI *.dcm subjects in FunRaw.

New user of DPARSF

Submitted by abuchanan on
Hello, I have resting-state data that has already been preprocessed using SPM8 (reoriented, slice time corrected, realigned, normalized using VBM8 in which functional images were coregistered to structural image and structural images were segmented and normalized to the MNI template, resampled, and smoothed). I would like to use DPARSF to regress out nuisance covariates and examine functional connectivity using a ROI. My questions include: 1) How do I arrange my directories so that I can use preprocessed data?

Odd behavior in Masks directory

Submitted by hoptman on


I am seeing some strange behavior in my Masks directory.  I have images that look reasonable to being with, and reasonable as normalized, but do not look reasonable in the Masks directory (see attached for mask image superimposed on corresponding FunImgR).  Is this problematic?  What do the images in Masks represent?

