Unwarp using field map images

Submitted by Sun Delin on

Dear Prof. Yan,

    I did not find in the DPARSF the option for unwarping using fieldmap images (both magnitude and phase maps). Can I do "fieldmap unwarping & relignment" using SPM8, and then do the following steps using DPARSF? I am not sure whether it is ok to put the step of religment before the step of slice timming. May I have your suggestions? Many thanks!



Sun Delin

How to create bilateral ROI masks?

Submitted by yaosir on

Dear experts,

I would like to create a mask including two 3-mm spheres representing right and left dACC, since I am not interested in lateralization of this regions and try to avoid the issue of multiple correction (2, right and left). However, I failed to find the way to create such a bilateral ROI mask. I will be really apreciated if anyone of you could help me to solve this question.



DPARSF not finding files

Submitted by cogsci on

I have attempted to use DPRASF with my data and with the unzipped contents of ProcessingDemoData.zip .  The "participants" folder is empty.  Drilling down further into the FunRaw folder, does not solve the problem.


When I go into Quality Control, I can see the subject directories, but not act upon the files contained within (see "error dialog").


group analysis

Submitted by cat on
Dear DPARSF A Experts: Thank you for this valuable toolbox. I have successfully pre-processed my data (20 healthy controls; 20 patients) using DPARSF A for a voxel-wise functional connectivity analysis with a pre-defined ROI. I had two resting state runs for each of my 40 subjects, so my data is organized as required by DPARSF into a folder named 'Analysis' under which I created two FunImg folders (FunImg, and S2_FunImg) for both resting-state runs.

clustering after alphasim

Submitted by zswgzx on

Hi DPABI experts,

I'd like to perform a statistical analysis, i.e. two-group ttest using the z-transformed functional connectivity maps, and have already done the model estimation.

Now I'm trying to do multiple comparison correction with alphasim and have questions about the procedures.

So I open Viewer from dpabi main menu, import the overlay T2.nii from model estimation, and choose AlphaSim correction for computation. How should I use the output AlphaSim.txt for extraction of significant clusters afterwards?

PRN: 为神经科学相关研究而生的预印本服务

Submitted by conge on


把科学论文正式发表之前将手稿放到预印本寄存平台上与同行分享,使其得到提早曝光和反馈的做法,已经在物理,天文和数学等领域中被普遍认可。然而,预印本还未被神经科学领域所接受。原因之一可能是缺乏专门服务于神经科学领域的预印本寄存服务。为了解决这个问题,我们启动了一个社区资助项目Preprints of the R-fMRI Network (PRN)。PRN为静息态功能性核磁共振成像(R-fMRI)以及神经科学相关的研究提供免费的手稿提交与寄存服务。PRN会邀请领域内专家作为顾问,同the R-fMRI Network的其他读者一起,对提交的手稿进行同行“评阅”和提供反馈。所有的手稿和对手稿的反馈都会获得一个可供引用的永久链接地址,并可以免费开放获取。PRN的目标是为具有“同行评审”机制的期刊发行体系提供补充平台,使最新的研究发现能在世界范围内快速的流通。我们希望PRN能帮助神经科学领域接受预印本这一模型,为相关研究提速,最终达到能达到增强人类精神健康的目的。

Milan 9-10 April 2015. Workshop: "Images of the Mind"

Submitted by eraldo.paulesu on
Dear Friends Please forgive this little advert. Enclose please find the announcement of a two days workshop Images of the Mind: new frontiers in brain imaging Advanced (f)MRI statistical methods and their applications Milan, 9-10 April Speakers R. Frackowiak, P. Fox, K.Friston, N. Logothetis, J. Haxby, R. Poldrack, C. Beckmann, M. Berlingeri, I. Castiglioni, M. Cercignani, J. Chumbley, J. Daunizeau, B. Draganski, J.

No output flies of smooth

Submitted by Waymen on

Dear Mr.Yan,

I have performed resting MRI preprocessing with DPARSF Basic version (e.g., slice timing, realign, normalization, and smooth). However, there were no output flies of smooth, as well as, the file "PicturesForChkNormalization" was empty. Besides, my MatLab is 2010a version (I have tried to reset it and use another computer, yet it did not work). The attachments are parameters I set, the outcomes after preprocessing, and steps of MatLab. Thanks for your help.


