Error in generating pictures

Submitted by aliasaei on


I'm running the DPARSFA on the provided sample images and I get the following errors. I was wondering what is the problem and how I could solve it.

Generating the pictures for checking normalization: Sub_001 OK. Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object.

Error in y_spm_orthviews>rmblobs (line 902)
if isfield(st{curfig}.vols{1},'blobs')

Error in y_spm_orthviews>my_delete (line 989)

Error in y_spm_orthviews (line 439)

Persistent error during group comparison

Submitted by Cerebro22 on


Thanks for making your software available. I am having a persistent problem with the error command below while using beta version 06.2.  I have attached a subjects correlation matrix file and my variable file . Could you please advise?

Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in executeStats (line 83)  if isnumeric(VarData{1})

Error in GraphVar corr (line 89)

[Files, N] =


Error in GraphVar>Btn calcCorr Callback (line 75)

combine multiple runs

Submitted by Matteo85 on

Dear collegues,

I would like to run with DPARSF a rs fMRI analysis on NifTI .nii.gz files coming from a sample of subject who did 2 separate but contiguous runs at rest: this means that I have more than 1 .nii.gz files for each subject, realtive to the first and second run.

Is it possible to organize the data  as follow: FunImg folder --> Subject folder --> more than 1 .nii.gz files? I'm asking this cause I thought it was necessary to have one single .nii.gz file for each subject, am I wrong?