Share Data with the R-fMRI Maps Project

Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on

The aim of the R-fMRI Maps project is to build a big data of intrinsic brain activity indices, which has the potential to allow us addressing critical questions about the brain.

Here, your support is the key for the success for such an effort. If you would like to share your data, please follow these steps:

MATLAB 2012a

Submitted by BHUVANA on
Dear sir, I have been trying to generate random networks but it always comes up with an error posted below. Can you kindly suggest how to rectify it.I have tried adding to matlab path also removing other graphvar files. Thanks and regards Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in CalcCorrMatrix (line 170) subR(P <= thisThr) = subMeanMatrix(P <= thisThr) ; Error in GraphVar_calc (line 94) calcCorrMatrixResult = CalcCorrMatrix(handles.vpFiles,dialogData.MatrixName,dialogData.brainD,1,dialogData.subjectN


Submitted by Freshman2013 on



  1. DPABI软件中的VBM分析和基于SPM的VBM8分析方法是否一致?
  2. DPABI中模板是怎么产生的?是按照Douaud et al. (2007)文章表述的,从两组样本中选取等量的被试产生study-specific模板吗?
  3. DPABI的VBM分析是否有应用Jacobian校正?


Douaud, G., Smith, S., Jenkinson, M., Behrens, T.E., Johansen-Berg, H., Vickers, J., James, S., Voets, N., Watkins, K., Matthews, P., James, A., 2007. Anatomically related grey and white matter abnormalities in adolescent-onset schizophrenia. Brain 130, 2375–2386.

