DPABI Error after normalization

Submitted by veeus18 on

Hello, after the normalization step, after the files have been moved, I get this below error. 

The folder "PicturesForChkNormalization" has been created but has not been populated. It is empty. Any suggestions on what could be the issue? Thanks.


Error using subsindex

the difference for the FDR between the Xjview and the DPABI

Submitted by daozhe on
Predefined Types

Hi experts, 

       I do a statistic analysis for a task-based fmri with SPM.  When seeing the results, I used the software with the Xjview and DPABI Viewer. I found some discrepancy of results between the Xjview and DPABI. when using the Xjview, there is no cluster remained when the FDR was sett at p=0.05 and the enxtended  voxels were 10. However there are two clusters remained when the FDR(DPABI) is set the q value=0.05 and the mask is the group mask. 

multivaraite and bivariate GCA

Submitted by butterch on


我用REST跑了同一个ROI的voxel-wise multivariate GCA和bivariate GCA,结果是一模一样的。我的理解是multivariate会控制其他voxel对当前两个voxel的granger causal connectivity的影响,bivariate GCA则没有。为什么结果是一样的呢?是不是multivariate只对ROI-wise起作用?



Server fee $642 fundraising campaign: please help the R-fMRI Network

Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on

Dear users of the R-fMRI Network,

Thank you for staying with us for the past years, we hope the R-fMRI Network (RFMRI.ORG) has benefitted your research at some extent.

Given the unfunded nature of the website, we are initiating a fundraising campaign to pay the server fee of the website.


Submitted by doctorsol on
