ReHo处理结果 很多部分在脑壳外

Submitted by wujingxi on
您好: 我用ReHo对我的数据进行分析,预处理利用REST工具包进行,统计分析two sample T, 发现达到阈值的结果很多在脑壳外面(MRIcro+Che2bet模板),请问为什么? 这样会不会把有用信息剔除掉?对于脑外的部分如何处理? 谢谢


Submitted by louislin28 on
我的軟體是matlab 2010a DPARSF advanced 錯誤碼: Moving Head Motion Corrected Files:Subject001 OKMoving Head Motion Corrected Files:Subject002 OKMoving Head Motion Corrected Files:Subject003 OK ??? Error using ==> cd Cannot CD to /Users/mac/RestingfMRI/DataAnalysis/T1Img (Name is nonexistent or not a directory). Error in ==> DPARSFA_run at 456


Submitted by jwb on
大家好!11月22日(周二)晚上七点的组会由研一学生原彬科汇报。汇报的内容是三种配准备方法(SPM2-type,SPM-DARTLE,HAMMER). 附件是汇报会涉及的两篇文献。第一篇涉及到了前两种方法,第二篇涉及到第三种。有兴趣的老师和同学可以参看。 与参加组会的同仁可以于晚上6点50分通过Skype呼叫,这样就可以通过语音参加组会了。

Functional Connectivity with multiple subjects?

Submitted by Chris Stevens on
Hello, I'm a new user of REST and I'm trying to use the functional connectivity tool with multiple subject's data. I followed the instructions provided in the documentation but I have a question about inputting multiple subject's folders. What I did was selected one subject's folder containing their nifti pair data set. Then added another directory to the input list containing another subject's data folder.


Submitted by luxueming on
大家好, 我现在想要对一组ER设计的数据用DPARSF做功能连接分析。在阅读相关文献时,我注意到很多使用任务激活数据做连接的研究中,都将实验设计的条件回归掉 如:The task-related regressor (tactile or visual moving stimuli) of each run was also included as an additional regressor of no interest in the correlation analysis in order to minimize the effect of the specific tasks (Whalley et al., 2005) ----- Sani et al, 2010