Significant clusters
of activation were determined using the joint expected probabil-
ity distribution with height (p < .001) and
extent (p < .001) thresholds, corrected at the whole-brain level.
我们的extent不是体素个数吗?extent (p < .001)是什么意思呢?height (p < .001) 是每个体素的p值吧
本周二继续文献报告:Reducing inter-subject anatomical variation: Effect of normalization method on sensitivity of functional magnetic resonance imaging data analysis in auditory cortex and the superior temporal region。
这篇文献和上周是同一篇文献,主要内容为:SPM2-normalization,SPM5-unified segmentation,SPM5-DARTEL,HAMMER四种配准方法对听觉任务fMRI激活结果的影响,同时也考察了不同配准模板(ICBM152,Colin27,ICBM453)对配准结果的影响及不同配准算法下平滑和不平滑激活结果的差异。