mean images

Submitted by lena123 on
I have the following issues with DPARSFA. I want to start from normalisation step for a set of images that are already realigned and slice ime corrected. I have also obtained mean images for these volumes. But when I try and start unified segmentation based normalisation, the DPARSFA starts searching for mean and does not fine it. It starts computing mean which takes a long time. The mean file is included along with 410 other images in each subject folder (410 time points, 1 mean image = in each subject folder). Where should I put the mean files?

Regarding sensorimotor network

Submitted by merrf on
Dear experts, I'm currently analyzing DMN (PCC/precuneus seed-based) using REST. In addition, I want to analyze sensorimotor network in groups of subjects. Is there a well-identified seed for this sensorimotor network? If yes, please let me know the accurate MNI coordinates or the article that used this seed. Thank you in advance for your kindness. Kim

关于t map的生成

Submitted by liufeng on
我从两组人静息态指标的双样本t检验,联想到了一个问题,想不通,请指教下。 我做second level,模型估计estimate之后,会生成beta0001,beta0002文件,也就是广义线性模型的系数。还会生成con文件:当然这个是做完contrast的结果。然后还要生成spmT0001文件。这个就是我们统计之后的t map。我从网上关于spm的原理得知,这个t图貌似是用con文件和残差ResMS文件生成的?请问是这样的吗?如果是,具体的公式是怎样的呢?


Submitted by liufeng on
上次那个关于校正的帖子不晓得怎么回复,在这里再次请教下大师。原帖 您好,那FDR没有用到随机场校正吧。是不是fwe就是改进版的bonferroni呢,就是说bonferroni用的是:如果有10000个体素,那么bonferroni 0.05校正就是0.05/1w;如果是fwe校正,那么先用随机场理论找到这1w个体素中独立体素的个数。然后fwe就是用0.05/独立体素的个数?是这样的吗?


Submitted by qiyinbao on
严老师:在做Darpsf是做到detrend时报错如下: Read 3D EPI functional images: "E:\epilepsy\Analysis\FunImgNormalizedSmoothed\sub_15"................................... ??? Error using ==> copyfile 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。 Error in ==> rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error at 33

DPARSF ROI-wise connectivity

Submitted by MCube78 on
Hi, I am trying to run FC on my data, and what I am interested in is ROI-wise correlations, rather than full brain values for each ROI. I see DPARSF generated one image per ROI (which I understand to be the correlation of each voxel with the timecourse of that ROI, as well as the z-transform of the correlation) Is there a way for DPARSF to output a matrix with the FC between all the ROIs I selected, or is the best way to do it to take the ROI_ROIFCMap.txt files for each ROI and correlate those? (these files are the preprocessed average timecourse for each ROI, correct?) thank you Martin


Submitted by liufeng on
最近看了一篇论文。文中说The significance of group differences in each region was estimated by distributional approximations from the theory of random Gaussian fields, and significance levels were set at p<0.05 (corrected for multiple comparisons). 这样校正的,请问他用的是哪种校正呢? 我们通常用的校正是不是只有FWE是用了随机场理论呢?

DPASF 里计算reho

Submitted by bgao on
老师,你好,图里面是是我想要的到smreho用于统计时选的几个按钮不知道对不对,特别是data with smooth 和 data without smooth 这两个按钮,我的理解是这样的:1. 计算reho时,选的是data without smooth ,最后得到的 reho图是没平滑的,但是得到的smreho和smreho-1图都是计算出reho图后平滑过? 2. 计算ALFF或者fALFF是要选data with smooth ,直接得出的ALFF和fALFF 图都是平滑过的? 以上两个问题不知道我理解的对不对,谢谢解答!