About ReHo

Submitted by cherrychingju on

Dear all,

Is ReHo value equal to Kendall's W (KCC)?

And if we use a region to be a ROI and extract its value, then this value is ReHo value or KCC value? (Some values are more than 1, so KCC can be more than 1?) 

Your help will be greatly appreciated!






Submitted by l5583325 on

Hi! Dr.YAN

I am doing a degree centrality study with the help of Dpabi.

Significant and desired group difference have been found, if we do not regress out the GS.

Different threshold for connectivity (0.2;0.3;0.4) and scrubbing or not have been used to test the effects of preprocessing options on the results. Group difference are stable.

Yet, GSR(Global Signal Regression) dramaticlly changes those results. We can not find similar results even using the ROI method.

Why couldn't DPARSFA identify 4D files in pairs(.hdr, .img)

Submitted by liq2005liq on

Hi, Chao-gan

I found that DPARSFA could not identify 4D  files in pairs(.hdr, .img). It only identify them as one time point. It maybe not convenient for someone who want to use DPARSFA to do data processing of   4D  files in pairs(.hdr, .img). Should it be a bug?

Whatever, I just let you know this phenomenon. Thanks.

