The R-fMRI Maps Project


Submitted by AHUCZP on


ADHD datasets for 3 dimensional neural network predicting model

Submitted by Yasu on
My name is Yasuyuki Okubo and I'm building 3 dimensional convolutional neural network predicting model inspired by the paper below.
From this site, I reached R-fMAPs project for the datasets and succussfully downloaded the ADHD datasets for ADHD200 (4.

How to do the VBM analysis? Thanks. Gray matter density in MNI space

Submitted by usefulbbs on

Dear Dr. Yan,

I am working on the data from R-fMRI maps project. Great thanks for sharing the proprecessed data with us. 

Would you mind telling us how to do the voxel-based morphometry analysis of the structural MRI data? For instance, can you explain the steps to calculate the gray matter density in MNI space? Thanks again.

Best Regards,



ABIDE II dataset (The R-fMRI Maps project), Thanks.

Submitted by usefulbbs on

Dear Dr. Yan,

I happen to find that there are probably something wrong with the fMRI data of subject 'ABIDEII-EMC_1_29887' & 'ABIDEII-EMC_1_29888' (the R-fMRI Maps Project). For the EMC_1_29887, all the extracted features and the ROI signals are zero. For the EMC_1_29888, most of the extracted features are zero. Would you mind double checking these data? Thanks a lot.

All the Best,


Share Data with the R-fMRI Maps Project

Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on

The aim of the R-fMRI Maps project is to build a big data of intrinsic brain activity indices, which has the potential to allow us addressing critical questions about the brain.

Here, your support is the key for the success for such an effort. If you would like to share your data, please follow these steps: