3 Research Fellowships in Neuroimaging at the Univerisity of Bari, Italy

Submitted by lindaantonucci on
The Group of Psychiatric Neuroscience at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) aims to discover
the biological sources of differences between individuals that make them at risk of - or resilient to -
psychiatric disorders.
We will publish 3 calls for research fellowships in neuroimaging in different projects with
multiple PIs.

Normalizing "Clustering Coefficient local"

Submitted by Marieke on

Dear all,

I want to normalize the local CC. In contrast to the global CC and global and local characteristic path length, however, I encounter the following error:

"Normalization error: some metrics derived from random networks result in zero which cannot be used for normalization."

Is there any way I can solve this? When  I look into the MATLAB file, the file truly contains several zeros. How is this possible?

Thank you so much!





normalization problem

Submitted by Jane_X on


我按照严老师的dparsfa 的V4模板参数跑了rs fMRI, 没有报错。但是跑完后进行QC的时候发现有几个被试的配准特别差,如下图。我查了他们的静息态和T1都没有问题,想请问一下为什么出现这个问题?是否能纠正以及如何纠正?



Failed Model Estimation --- There is no significant Voxels ?

Submitted by Tamoor on

During Preprocessing of Image Data, many of us face problem of Model Estimation and failed to extract significant voxels,  i raised this question on the forum of Researchgate,  i am sharing it here, so anyone facing problem of Model Estimation may find useful answers and methods to overcome this problem.   heres the Link:



Thank You

Tamoor Malik

Yunnan University