
Submitted by aolin on
您好,老师 我之前用DPARSF已经做了预处理,得到了以szReHoMap开头命名的文件,并且对两组不同的人群做了双样本t检验,找出了一些差异性脑区。我接下来的目的是想在这些有差异的脑区中,分别提取两组人群的ReHo值,方便我进一步与我其他的行为指标进行相关性分析之类的操作。 提取ReHo值这一步我实在搞不明白了,特向老师请教,希望能够得到老师的帮助。谢谢~

Applying High-pass filtering with DPARSFA 5.0

Submitted by JulianG on


1) I need to High-pass filter my data. Since my TR is 1.3 (multiband sequence), I simply typed [0.01 - 0.3] in the GUI. Is it safe enough? Or maybe should I do anything else?

2) Also,  I wonder whether there is any difference between filtering the data from the GUI's preprocessing section (which is my case, please see attached image), and filtering  from the FC section.  

3) Open question, from which I do not expect bynary (do/don't do ) answers.  Just, opinions:  How about not filtering rs-fMRI data?

Applying High-pass filtering with DPARSFA 5.0

Submitted by JulianG on


1) I need to High-pass filter my data. Since my TR is 1.3 (multiband sequence), I simply typed [0.01 - 0.3] in the GUI. Is it safe enough? Or maybe should I do anything else?

2) Also,  I wonder whether there is any difference between filtering the data from the GUI's preprocessing section (which is my case, please see attached image), and filtering  from the FC section.  

3) Open question, from which I do not expect bynary (do/don't do ) answers.  Just, opinions:  How about not filtering rs-fMRI data?

Applying High-pass filtering with DPARSFA 5.0

Submitted by JulianG on


1) I need to High-pass filter my data. Since my TR is 1.3 (multiband sequence), I simply typed [0.01 - 0.3] in the GUI. Is it safe enough? Or maybe should I do anything else?

2) Also,  I wonder whether there is any difference between filtering the data from the GUI's preprocessing section (which is my case, please see attached image), and filtering  from the FC section.  

3) Open question, from which I do not expect bynary (do/don't do ) answers.  Just, opinions:  How about not filtering rs-fMRI data?