mask for statistical analysis

Submitted by DoBOLD on

Dear all,

In the statistical analysis, we need to choose a binary mask.

What kind of binary masks I can apply? If I turn to the group-wise GM mask, it seems there're too many comparisons, leading to failure in the tfce+fwe correction (p<0.05).

Can I use the |Z|>2 of the Z map as the binary mask instead to reduce the number of comparisons?




REST-meta-MDD excluded subjects

Submitted by leo.tozzi on

Dear Experts,

Thank you very much for providing the REST-meta-MDD data in such a usable format to the community.

I have been working with this data and I have noticed that in your reference paper ( several subjects have been excluded because of image quality issues (bad data, bad normalization, bad masking, etc.).

I was wondering if there is a list available somewhere of these participants with problematic data, so that they can be excluded without having to reinspect the whole dataset.

Thank you very much.

DPARSF Cov_regression produces weired images

Submitted by LLF on

Dear Dr. Yan,

I am using DPASFA v4.3 to run resting-state image, within the step : ARSWDCF. The detrended images are good, but something goes wrong after the regression.  Bellowing are the settings I used, the Detrended image, and Detrended + Covregessed .  If I put the cov_regressed images into ICA, it will produce even more weird results.   

How to use the first eigenvariate to calculate in the functional connectivity of resting state fMRI.

Submitted by 沈阳 on
When we used the seed-based ROI to calculate functional connectivity, the methods is “A seed reference time course was obtained within each ROI. Correlation analyses were conducted on the seed reference and the whole brain in a voxelwise manner for each ROI”. Recently, our article which used this methods was advised by the reviewers to use the first eigenvariate instead of a seed reference time course.