Global signal regression: the beauty or the beast?
Global signal regression: the beauty or the beast?
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Global signal regression: the beauty or the beast?
Dear Experts,
Dear Sir,
Dear R-fMRI,
1. I did pre-processing and got the ALFF, fALFF, ReHo results by DPARSF, and then I used zALFF, zfALFF, zReHo files for the 2 sample t-test which I did in the SPM12. But there are some activation regions outside the brain, and the results look very strange. What should I do? Do these results convincing?
Dear all,
As the requirment for resting-state fMRI studies on controlling head motion is becoming stricter and stricter. Typically we have to use a more stringent criteria to exclude participants for the head motion. For example, conducting scrubbing in the preprocessing and excluding participants who have large mean framewise displacement (FD) (e.g., FD > 0.2, 0.15). And we also need to make sure that our behavioral variables are not correlated with the mean FD, to convice the reviwers that our results are not influenced by the head motion.
Dear all,
Recently, I calculated the large-scale FC by used Power's mask. But after that, I suddenly found out that the node of this mask does not have a specific name to indicate which brain area it belongs.
So, for now, I am really confused, and cannot found the details about the node of mask.
Looking forward all fellow's help!
Dear experts,
I used Gissian random field (GRF) in DPABI for multiple correction when comparing rs FC maps differences between patient groups.
However, a reviewer suggested "this method (GRF) is based upon the hypothesis that the spatial smoothness of BOLD signal in the whole brain is consistent and the distribution of the spatial autocorrelation function in accordance with specific curve. Practically, the BOLD data is hardly accord with the hypothesis".
Dear Experts,
I am new to FSL and RS signal analysis, so I need a help to understand the methods and the results of a preliminary fcMRI study that my supervisor has been working through.
He wanted to test variation in connectivity within motor circuits at rest. It is a single group design with repeated measures, divided into three parts: baseline RS scan, task performance and control RS scan. The idea was to compare the two RS scans in order to see variation in connectivity after the task performance, thus expecting increase functional connectivity within motor circuits.