
Submitted by Chihhao on
每个参与者有170个TR,一共设置了6个ROI,并勾选了Functional Connectivity以及Extract ROI time courses
最後我在Result资料夹得到了FC_FunImgARCFWS, ROISignals_FunImgARCFWS, VMHC_FunImgARCFWSsym三个资料夹
ROI_FCMap_XXX.mat: 读取後在workspace得到名为SeedSeries的variable,为170(TR数) x 6 (ROI数)的矩阵。

Question about DPABI viewer

Submitted by mitaomian on

Dear Yan,

   When I used DPABI viewer, I had one question about the lateral issues. As you mentioned in the Multimedia Course, the left of picture is actully the right hemisphere, as we known in the clinical practice. However, the atlas in DPABI viewer present the opposite result. In another word, the left picture was shown to be the left hemisphere, as illustrated in the attachment. This bothers me a lot. 

   Please help me out. Thank you so much.




How best to handle subjects with different number of runs?

Submitted by eglee on

Hello All,

I am using DPARSF to process my resting state data which will primarily be used in seed to whole brain analyses .

I have about 15 subjects that have been scanned before/after an intervention.

12 of those subjects have two resting state scans for each visit, but three of the subjects only have one scan for one of their visits.

What is the best way to handle this in DPABI?

What I have currently been doing is splitting all the data up so that each run is thought of as a different subject.