about reliability of the Reho

Submitted by lemon on

I've been doing research on Reho reliability recently.In the meantime, I use DPARSFA for data preprocessing,Then I had some problems.first,Should I choose smooth derivatives?second,if I choose smooth derivatives,I'll get two folders :Results and ResultsS. I will get the mReho,Reho,zReho and smReho ,sReho ,szReho,Which file is generally used to analyze the reliability of Reho?


Detailed description of head motion scrubbing regressors

Submitted by YML on

Dear Yan,

I did a "head motion scrubbing regressors" in the nuisance regression step in DPARSFA in my study. The reviewer asked me how this was performed in detail. I know this is different from the "scrubbing" at the bottom of DPARSFA, so it's inappropriate to cite Power et al., 2012. But is there any reference that I can refer to? Is the processing the same to what the FSL's motion outliers tool (http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FSLMotionOutliers) does?

Thank you so much.


How to use "Extract ROI time courses" separately?

Submitted by lucy on

Hi, pro. Yan

I had used DPARSF A computed whole-brain  FC  with a specific ROI (a sphere) a few days ago, and I have the individual FC results.

Now, I want to extract the time courses of a specific region (already have the mask) in these individual results image

Can DPARSF A achieve that?

How should I do?

Particularly, I do not know what is the right "Starting Directory Name".

Thanks for your reply!




T Statistical Image from Paired T-test

Submitted by Shatgul on

Dear experts:

I performed a paired t-test and the output were the TP.nii  image and the effect size map. I could not find information about the output in the online courses.

Would you explain how I should make sense of this T statistical image output ( including the 3 values: P, Thrd and the one on the very top under Brain Images catogory?

How do I know if there is a significant difference between the 2 conditions that I have given from this image? Does P stand for P-value, if I set it up to 0.05, what information should I look for?

Montage view and Overlay

Submitted by veeus18 on

Montage view and Overlay-

a) How do I get the slice number, the L/R orientation, and the color bar to show on the montage view? I don't see any options either in the Viewer or the Montage gui.

b) in the Viewer, the Overlay looks quite pixelated; is there a way to change that? [I have used the szReHomaps from the ResultsS/ReHo_FunImgARCWF/ folder to compute the stats.


Thanks much.





DPABI重复测量方差分析时,在permutation test或后续的多重比较校正时报错

Submitted by nangongjingtian on


          你们好!最近在使用DPABI进行单因素重复测量方差分析(ANCOVA,Repeated Measures)时,可以生成F图,但在点击DPABI重复测量方差分析的permutation test,或用生成的F图放到viewer后,做后续的多重比较校正(GRF)时均报错,报错信息如下:

Convert F to Z...