How can I get the color bar to show on the montage view ?

Submitted by lizhe8785 on

Hi Dr Yan,

How can I get the color bar to show on the montage view ? I saw there was a guiding said "you add "+" or "-" flag at the end in "Add Overlay's Colorbar" entry, DPABI_VIEW will use full colormap to display the overlay". But I can't find where the "Add Overlay's Colorbar"  is. Can you show me? Thank you!




Submitted by doctorsol on

各位老师,我按照VBM说明书用dartel tool(creat template)生成了平均灰质模板,Template_0到Template_16 这17个文件,请问哪一个是可用的模板文件?是最后一个?还是根据肉眼精度来判断?肉眼看template_6和template_13比较清晰,最后生成的template_16并不清晰。

我看了一些帖子,别人都是自动生成了6张,选择最后生成的template_6,我是使用的默认设置,不知道为什么会生成17个文件,我只做了creat template是不是已经生成了最终模板,需不需要再运行run existing template那一步?




Submitted by doctorsol on

据说所知,在DPABI里面应用ROI  signal extractor 对mwrp文件进行提取提取的是平均灰质体积,请问如何才能实现计算一个脑区(如海马)的绝对体积或相对体积呢?课题组有师兄是基于AFNI软件用代码实现了脑区内的逐体素相加,DPABI里是否能实现这样的功能呢?

Inquiry about voxel size change

Submitted by jLee on

Dear Dr. Yan,

I have a question about changing voxel size.

I want to get ROI signal by applying Yeo atlas.

I have fMRI data with 3mm voxel size but there are only 1mm and 2mm voxel size Yeo atlas.

So I want to change 3mm voxel size to 2mm in the preprocessing process using DPABI.

Could I simply change voxel size on the DPABI like the image I uploaded?

Could you give me some advice on this problem?

Thank you.


about reliability of the Reho

Submitted by lemon on

I've been doing research on Reho reliability recently.In the meantime, I use DPARSFA for data preprocessing,Then I had some problems.first,Should I choose smooth derivatives?second,if I choose smooth derivatives,I'll get two folders :Results and ResultsS. I will get the mReho,Reho,zReho and smReho ,sReho ,szReho,Which file is generally used to analyze the reliability of Reho?