New user of DPARSF

Submitted by abuchanan on

YAN Chao-Gan

Tue, 04/01/2014 - 04:21


1. Yes, you can. If you are using DPARSF Advanced edition, you can name it as you want, e.g., FunImg, and set up the starting directory name.

2. Seems your functional images were only coregistered to structural image, but not normalized to MNI space? In such a case, you can use DPARSF to do so, i.e., enter preprocessed data without the normalization/smoothing steps.

3. Yes, you can input re-oriented data to skip manually re-orient. Or if you have the reorienting matrices, you can check "Apply Mats" to apply those matrices.



Hello, I have resting-state data that has already been preprocessed using SPM8 (reoriented, slice time corrected, realigned, normalized using VBM8 in which functional images were coregistered to structural image and structural images were segmented and normalized to the MNI template, resampled, and smoothed). I would like to use DPARSF to regress out nuisance covariates and examine functional connectivity using a ROI. My questions include: 1) How do I arrange my directories so that I can use preprocessed data? I created a "T1Img" folder and this seemed to address several errors but I want to ensure that I am doing this correctly. 2) Should I enter preprocessed data without the normalization/smoothing steps and then run normalization/smoothing in DPARSF? This is the order that seems to be consistent with the steps in DPARSF. 3) Is there a way in which I can use already-reoriented data to save time on this step? Thank you for your time! -- Angel