DPABINet 1.2

Submitted by veeus18 on


I preprocessed my resting fmri data and have confirmed resulting files are in the Results/ROISignals_FunImgARCFW folder.

I am trying the Network Construction option in DPABINet 1.2, but when I click on the data directory button and select the ROISignals folder, nothing shows up in the Participant window and I get this error-

"Undefined function or variable 'isfolder'.

DPABINet 1.2

Submitted by veeus18 on


I preprocessed my resting fmri data and have confirmed resulting files are in the Results/ROISignals_FunImgARCFW folder.

I am trying the Network Construction option in DPABINet 1.2, but when I click on the data directory button and select the ROISignals folder, nothing shows up in the Participant window and I get this error-

"Undefined function or variable 'isfolder'.

DpabiNet无法打开Network Construction和Graph Theoretical Analysis(报错)

Submitted by kingfly on


       最近我在使用dpabinet计算网络指标时发现这个Network Construction和Graph Theoretical Analysis这两个按钮一点击就报错,报错内容如下图所示。感谢您在百忙之中抽空回复,谢谢您!

BET went wrong for T1.nii that was flipped from left to right using Python-nibabel.

Submitted by Lena_Wang on
Predefined Types

Here is the problem. I need to flip some T1.nii data from left to right, making all lesion located in the left hemisphere. By using nibabel package by Python laguage, I got some flipped data.

However, when I running the BET function on those data within DPARSFA, it suggested : Not enough data in D:\Lena\000test\T1ImgBet\Sub_003\fBet_003BeforeBet.img.


Submitted by aniuaniu on


Submitted by CrystalLI on



2.我尝试用dpabi先跑过一次anova结果matlab显示开始进行多重比较矫正然后idle timeout has benn reached。我不太确定软件有没有进行多重比较矫正,但相应文件夹里已经生成了P、Z文件

3.在进行统计分析时mask的选择是必须的吗?还是说可选可不选。以及在GRF校正中选择不同的mask(dpabi自带3个不同的brain mask)其结果也不同,GRF的mask选择有要求吗,最后在勾选了GRF矫正后没有出现激活,但是调整团块大小出现了激活,那这时候算是GRF通过了还是没通过呢?
