
Submitted by Oscar on



但我不是很明白functional connectivity和ROI time courses的区别。按照视频中的内容,FC是voxel-wise seed based的相关分析,

而ROI time courses是ROI-wise的功能连接分析,则应该选择ROI time courses才对。但这样说的话,FC又是在什么情况下才使用呢?


    另外就是在使用两种方法之后,发现ROI time courses中提取时间序列的数值,就是对应的种子点的均值,这个是可以理解的;而FC得到的



Error using y_ExtractROISignal_Surf (line 157)/Error using y_ExtractROISignal (line 240)

Submitted by Zeqiang Linli on
Predefined Types

Hi, Dr. Yan, 

While I used the DPABI_Utilities to extract values from the preprocessed images (gifti/nifti), an error as following occured. I tried to debug including: 1) change the version of dpabi; 2)  runs on other computers; 3) change the other atlas; 4) re-set matlab path, however, the error still occured.

For nifti data:

ROI signal extraction error

Submitted by FaezeVedaei on



I am just trying using DPABI/Utilites/ROI signal extraction in order to extract ALFF mean values from my own mask of ROI. I just uploaded the ALFF map, and in the define ROI section, I just iuploaded the MASK.nii (in the same size as ALFF map), but I do not know why I just recieve this error I copied here. Can you please help me what is the reason and how to resolve this?


Thank you



Error with the Preprocessing for Task fMRI data in DPARSF 5.2

Submitted by giovifaz1 on

Hi, Dr. Yan, 

In these 2 days I've encountered several problems using DPARSF 5.2, expecially with the Preprocessing for Task fMRI data, and I'd like to ask you some suggestions to fix the anomalies. In particular, the error starts when I try to open the window to set up the preprocessing, it crashes immediately, showing in the command window these errors:

"Operands to the logical and (&&) and or (||) operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.

How to solve the error while running for fmriprep?

Submitted by sunnystar2013 on

Hi, Dr. Yan,

When I run the subjects in DPABISurf, there are two subjects cannot be processed at the fmriprep while others can? Could you please have a look and give me some suggestions on how to deal with it? Attached please find the error info and the file. Thank you for your expended time in advance!


Generate group mask - wautomask missing

Submitted by jdronse on

Dear DPABI team,

I try to create the 90% EPI coverage mask using the respective function in quality control. I preprocessed the data using DPABIsurf pipeline and fMRIprep. 

I keep getting the error message 

Reading images from "/Users/julian/Documents/Research/DPABI_Surf_neworder/Masks/AutoMasks/wAutoMask_Sub_001.nii" etc.

Error using y_Read (line 54)