Some questions on using DPARSF

Submitted by Miss Lima on


It is my first time using DPARSF and i had some questions/doubts and i would be grateful if you could help me.

  1. I organize my data as showed in the tutorials but my subject aren´t detected automatically when i set my working directory or my starting directory name. They just appear when i click RUN. What can i do to solve this?
  2. I don´t have the time points of neither of my data (i used DICOMINFO to search my data but didnt found it). What i have done is, first convert DCM files to NIFTI so DPARSF tell me the data's time points. The problem is, each time it tell me a different number ( normally different in 10 units, 80, than 70 or vice-versa) . Is this normal? Is there another way to know the time points?
  3. how can i visualize .nii images/files in matlab?
  4. At this moment im working with only a set of data (e.g : verb generation data). How can i organize all the data of one subject/pacient MRI exam (task MRI) so i can process all?

Thank you in advance!

 Inalinda Lima (Miss Lima)

YAN Chao-Gan

Tue, 03/22/2016 - 01:03

1. Set the starting directory and click enter.

2. Just set up one step of DICOM to NIfTI. Don't choose "Remove first time points".

3. DPABI->Viewer.

4. Organize them according to the tutorial.

