It is my first time using DPARSF and i had some questions/doubts and i would be grateful if you could help me.
- I organize my data as showed in the tutorials but my subject aren´t detected automatically when i set my working directory or my starting directory name. They just appear when i click RUN. What can i do to solve this?
- I don´t have the time points of neither of my data (i used DICOMINFO to search my data but didnt found it). What i have done is, first convert DCM files to NIFTI so DPARSF tell me the data's time points. The problem is, each time it tell me a different number ( normally different in 10 units, 80, than 70 or vice-versa) . Is this normal? Is there another way to know the time points?
- how can i visualize .nii images/files in matlab?
- At this moment im working with only a set of data (e.g : verb generation data). How can i organize all the data of one subject/pacient MRI exam (task MRI) so i can process all?
Thank you in advance!
Inalinda Lima (Miss Lima)
1. Set the starting directory
1. Set the starting directory and click enter.
2. Just set up one step of DICOM to NIfTI. Don't choose "Remove first time points".
3. DPABI->Viewer.
4. Organize them according to the tutorial. http://rfmri.org/course.
Hi!!! Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Hi!!! Thank you!!
Thank you!!