Dear prof.,
There is an error shown below, could you help me? Thanks a lot.
Warning: Could not find an exact (case-sensitive) match for 'graphvar'.
is a case-insensitive match and will be used instead.
You can improve the performance of your code by using exact
name matches and we therefore recommend that you update your
usage accordingly. Alternatively, you can disable this warning using
This warning will become an error in future releases.
??? Error: File: CalcVars.m Line: 122 Column: 17
The variable shuffelFiles in a parfor cannot be classified.
See Parallel for Loops in MATLAB, "Overview".
Error in ==> GraphVar_calc at 85
[res,shuffelFiles] =
Error in ==> GraphVar>Btn_calcCorr_Callback at 71
[res allTask] = GraphVar_calc(handles);
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96
Error in ==> GraphVar at 40
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in ==>
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
please type:
Also refer to the manual or the Starters_QuickGuide for further questions (there we describe in detail how to handle the toolbox)
All the best,
Reply 2
Sorry - I didn´t realize that there were more errors hidden in the long description you posted.
The problem for me is that I don´t know what you did exactly and thus do not know in what kind of configuration this happes.
However, it seem that you have an old GraphVar version as the variable "ShuffelFiles" (sorry for the typo in the code!) is no longer Line 122.
Please download the new version (beta_0.6) - and/or (if you have the newest version) remove all old graphVar Versions from your Matlab path to prevent conflicts between old and new scripts.
Thank you for your reply.
Thank you for your reply.
I have tried the new version (beta_0.6) and set the parameters according the tutorial, however, i get an error shown below:
??? Error: File: CalcVars.m Line: 146 Column: 17
I tried to replicate the error with the settings you posted but the error did not occur for me. I tried in two Matlab versions (2011 and 2014).
The error you report occurs in a parfor loop - which is odd as you have selected "0" parallel Workes in the GUI (i.e., GraphVar should not run into this loop but instead use the loop starting from line 153). Probably you have the matlabpool activated before opening GraphVar (otherwise I would not know how this happens). Please make sure that the matlabpool is closed and try to run your settings again (if this works, there seems to be something wrong with your parallel computing settings)
Which Matlab version do you use? Do you have experienced problems with the parallel computing toolbox in other cases?
Please let me know if this works,
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
I used the version of 2009 matlab. There is no similar problem.
Now, i try again with another computer with the matlab version of 2012b. unfortunately, i meet another problem shown in below figure.
error: please select subject name in file name
but i indeed have selected the subject name by the mouse.
subject name
please highlight the subject name again and check if the number in the "Start" field changes from 21 to 12 (as I see in your screenshot it is 21). 12 should be the starting character and End 4. If for some reason it does not work properly when using the mouse you can alternatively enter the starting and end character manually.
Hope it works now!
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
I have manually enter the starting and end character, and it works. But at the end of calculation, an error occured as below:
parallel loops
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
Thank you for your talent, now it works according to your surgestion.
Best wishes
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
I am sorry to disturb you. When i do the the partial correlation of chilli eating contest with beer pong score as stated in the tutorial, it works well.
but, when i do the group comparison, an error occured, whenever i hit statistics with already calculated values or calculate and statistics butten; the parameters are the same as previous. The error is below:
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
I have known the reason, and solved the problem. Thanks a lot.
best wishes
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
I used Dparsf to extract aal(90) roi time courses signals, and i get a file with 195X90 format. then i use graphvar and hit the butten of creat connectivity matrix, then hit generate conn matrix(default:peason) butten, however, graphvar can not recognize the file. i compare the file with the sample data in garphvar, the format of it is different(195x90 compared with 150X216). could you help solve the problem? thanks a lot.
attached is the file in matlab
best wishes.jpg)
generate conn matrix
Thank you for your kind and
Thank you for your kind and prompt reply!
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
When i do the the network based statistics to identify a graph component that relates to age, hit the "show network" button as stated in the tutorial, an error occured; in additon, the button including two( getcomponent and NBS) is different with the button( show network) in the tutorial..jpg)
could you help me? The error is below:
show component
thanks for this question! This seems to be a bug in newer MATLAB versions. To solve this error please open the script "Results_btn_network_Callback" in GraphVar_beta_v_06\src\gui\Results and change the statement in line 369 "matrix_size = size(data)" to "matrix_size = length(data)".
Please have a look in the "Dynamic GraphVar tutorial" -> on the last slides it is explained what the difference between "Get Component" and "NBS" is (NBS is equivalent to the old button "Show Network").
Hope this helps,
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
Thank you for your reply. and it works now according to your suggestion. however another problem appeared.
When i hit the button of NBS, no error reported, but also no results were produced shown in the attached image
and if i press the button of brainne or export or export p, an error appeared. it is shown below:
in case you have installed SPM (added to your matlab path) can you please try to move SPM (including subfolders) to the bottom of your path? There are some functions in SPM that may interfer with some other matlab functions that GraphVar makes use of (you will also have to click on the graph component in the table to the right).
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
I have moved SPM (including subfolders) to the bottom of my matlab path, the button of export or export p works now; however, the button of brainne still did not work, and an error appeared as shown before. In additon, i can not understand what the sentence (you will also have to click on the graph component in the table to the right) you have written mean. I am very sorry to disturb you for many times.
Error using ==
Re: [RFMRI] error about
PhD Student in Biomedical Engineering
Tehran University of Medical Science
From: The R-fMRI Network <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [RFMRI] error about graphvar