Hi again,
Switched to DPARSFA and have my detrended native space images in subject folders in /FunRaw/FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFiltered. Running DPARSF_V2.1_120101 and REST_V1.7_120101 on Matlab R2011b with SPM8. Here is the initial error:
Computing ALFF with: "/Volumes/EtkinLab_Data/Imaging/ctr_gad_mdd_cmd_pts/resting_state/D.Oathes/Temp/FunRaw/FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFiltered/gad_c029"
Read 3D EPI functional images: "/Volumes/EtkinLab_Data/Imaging/ctr_gad_mdd_cmd_pts/resting_state/D.Oathes/Temp/FunRaw/FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFiltered/gad_c029"...............................................
Load mask "".
Build ALFF filtered mask. Wait...
ALFF computing. Wait...................
ReConstructing 3D Dataset ALFF. Wait...................
Saving ALFF map. Wait...
ALFF compution over, elapsed time: 29.02 seconds.
Error using rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error (line 64)
Meet error while fixing read write error. Please restart MATLAB, and run
"rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error" before starting anything.
Error in rest_WriteNiftiImage (line 91)
rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error; %YAN Chao-Gan, 100426.
Error in DPARSFA_run (line 1579)
Error in DPARSFA>pushbuttonRun_Callback (line 1133)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)
Error in DPARSFA (line 31)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
I restarted Matlab, then punched in this with the following error:
>> rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error
Error using rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error (line 64)
Meet error while fixing read write error. Please restart MATLAB, and run
"rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error" before starting anything.
Thank you, in advance, for any tips.
re 1., Disk is not full and
read/write test
Ok, great. Which program