Some questions relative to your New edition sofeware

Submitted by wleewell on
论坛老师好! 有几个问题想看看大家的意见。 1、AlphaSim与Gaussian random-field theory校正那个更严格,分别都更适用于那些情况呢?通常我发现GRF校正voxel P值设为z>2.3,这个值相当于p值多少呢,可否再设的松一点?REST新版加入了GRF校正,可否就该校正的参数设置及意义做一讲解呢? 2、前面严老师说REST中的REST smoothest可以估计校正要求的平滑值,对此有些不解:统计学检验图估计smooth值有什么意义? 3、我发现REST slice viewer与xjview好像有点差异,REST中输入voxel水平的p值0.01,对应T值2.70,而xjview中输入0.01对应T值2.32,不知什么原因? 4、新版DPARSFA中,将协变量剔除提前到filter前有什么意义? 麻烦了!

YAN Chao-Gan

Mon, 09/24/2012 - 15:44

1. 我正在修改Course的第二部分。但鉴于第二部分本身比较长,定位不一定容易,可能考虑单出一个部分介绍GRF校正吧。关于Z>2.3,你有兴趣的话可以阅读一下之前的一个post: (In addition, as a Note in my code: FSL's Z>2.3 corresponds to one-tailed VoxelPThreshold = 0.0107. |Z|>2.3 corresponds to two-tailed VoxelPThreshold = 0.0214.) 理论上,单个体素的P值是是可以设定在不同P值,不一定非要对应于2.3。可能用FSL做GRF的比较多,大家就用这个默认参考值已对应了。 2. 请参考 “My initial intention to write this script is want to perform the Gaussian Random Field Theory Correction like easythresh in FSL. Easythresh estimated the smoothness from the Z statistical image, so did this script. However, the y_Smoothest (soon as rest_Smoothest in the new REST) script also could estimate the smoothness from residual file, and this way maybe better than the estimation based on Z statistical image. According to Steve Smith, “Hi - you're right that easythresh isn't exactly the same, because it uses the zstat image and not the residuals to estimate smoothness. However in my experience it isn't ever very different.” (, estimation from Z statistical image is acceptable. Thus, you can put the spmT image into y_GRF_Threhold, and then it will convert the T image into Z image by calling y_TFRtoZ, and later estimate the smoothness from the Z image. This procedure will be put the new REST which will be released by the end of this month. This script is based on FSL’s tech report [Flitney, D.E., & Jenkinson, M. 2000. Cluster Analysis Revisited. Tech. rept. Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain, Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK. TR00DF1.] and their program. However, discrepancy of smoothness estimation from AFNI or SPM to FSL may exist, as a recent post in FSL:” 3. 因为REST用双侧检验,而xjview用单侧检验(like SPM)。 4. 可参考Weissenbacher, A., Kasess, C., Gerstl, F., Lanzenberger, R., Moser, E., Windischberger, C., 2009. Correlations and anticorrelations in resting-state functional connectivity MRI: a quantitative comparison of preprocessing strategies. Neuroimage 47, 1408-1416. 另外,也可见:

我试用了下REST中的Gaussian Random Field Theory Correction,输入了T检验图,设置了voxel-level P值与Cluster-level P值,双侧检验,出现以下报错: Exception occured. (MATLAB:undefinedVarOrClass) Undefined variable "Header" or class "Header.mat". 26#line, rest_TFRtoZ, in "C:\Program Files\fMRI software\REST_V1.8PRE_120905\REST_V1.8PRE_120905\rest_TFRtoZ.m" 56#line, rest_GRF_Threshold, in "C:\Program Files\fMRI software\REST_V1.8PRE_120905\REST_V1.8PRE_120905\rest_GRF_Threshold.m" 304#line, run_pushbutton_Callback, in "C:\Program Files\fMRI software\REST_V1.8PRE_120905\REST_V1.8PRE_120905\rest_GRFCorrection_gui.m" 96#line, gui_mainfcn, in "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2008b\toolbox\matlab\guide\gui_mainfcn.m" 34#line, rest_GRFCorrection_gui, in "C:\Program Files\fMRI software\REST_V1.8PRE_120905\REST_V1.8PRE_120905\rest_GRFCorrection_gui.m" 0#line, @(hObject,eventdata)rest_GRFCorrection_gui('run_pushbutton_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)), in "" 不知什么原因? 想再了解下,在rest中做GRF校正,如果设置z值>2.3,two-tailed,是不是填入voxel-level p值0.0214,cluster-level p值0.05就行?利用同样的参数输入voxel-level p值0.0214,校正后0.05,做AlphaSim校正,会不会和GRF校正的结果一样?也就是这两种方法原理上相同,只是参数输入有所不同?