
  • 请教一个问题,关于dparsf的功能连接

    Submitted by liufeng on
    版主好: 请教一个问题,在我看种子区域到全脑算功能连接的文章一般是这么做的。将预处理的静息态数据(时间头动校正配准去漂移滤波),提取出种子区域的平均时间序列,然后进行回归头动、全脑信号、白质、脑脊液信号,然后把全脑每一道信号也进行回归处理,最后算时间序列的相关。 我感觉dparsf是这样做的,预处理后(filter后),先把全脑每个体素的时间序列进行回归头动、全脑信号、白质、脑脊液信号,然后提取出种子区域的时间序列,和全脑其他每一个体素算相关。因为我在dparsf做fc的时候让我选择回归后的文件夹,即covmoved文件夹。 我想问下,这两种不同的方法,得出的结果一样吗?哪个好一些呢?简单说来,这两种方法就是先提种子区域时间序列再回归和先回归再提种子区域时间序列的问题。 麻烦版主了,谢谢。
  • 请求帮助。

    Submitted by stevenlee697 on
    各位老师好,我是一名初学者,进行感音神经耳聋的研究。现在双样本检验后,得到T值,用REST SLICE VIEW进行图像显示,ALPHASIM校正中,当RMM=4时,XJVIEW显示有18个CLUSTER;RMM=5时有11个,RMM=6时有7个。不是说RMM=4时是面对面的方法,校正更严格,怎么CLUSTER还最多??再有我应该用哪个RMM值?另外,怎么用XJVIEW的报告制做表格,一个CLUSTER中有很多个脑区(从多到少的VOXEL)选哪几个呢?多谢,多谢!!
  • 请教关于gray matter density和 gray matter volume

    Submitted by liufeng on
  • 本周二(12月6日)组会

    Submitted by jwb on
    本周二汇报的文献:Reducing inter-subject anatomical variation: Effect of normalization method on sensitivity of functional magnetic resonance imaging data analysis in auditory cortex and the superior temporal region,详见附件。 这篇文献主要内容:SPM2-normalization,SPM5-unified segmentation,SPM5-DARTEL,HAMMER四种配准方法对听觉任务fMRI激活结果的影响,同时也考察了不同配准模板(ICBM152,Colin27,ICBM453)对配准结果的影响及不同配准算法下平滑和不平滑激活结果的差异。
  • Image Dimention Errors

    Submitted by Chris Stevens on
    I have used SPM to preprocesses my data before using the REST utility to convert the data from .nii to niftiPairs. But I am now running into problems and I receive errors and warnings in many of REST's tools about the dimensions of my images. Here are all the problems I've encountered:
  • Procedure for performing Paired T-Test?

    Submitted by Chris Stevens on
    Hello, I'm attempting to perform a Paired T-Test on the functional connectivity of two resting state conditions within-subject. I have a Placebo run and a Control run for the subject. First I converted my .nii files to nifti pairs using REST's conversion utility. Then I used the Functional Connectivity tool to create a FC and zFC Map for each condition individually using the same ROI location. Then I placed the zFC maps into their own folders (I have 1 folder for the zFC map from the Placebo run and another folder for the zFC Map from the Control run).