
  • Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF) V2.1

    Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on
    Predefined Types

    Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF) is a convenient plug-in software based on SPM and REST. You just need to arrange your DICOM files, and click a few buttons to set parameters, DPARSF will then give all the preprocessed (slice timing, realign, normalize, smooth) data, FC, ReHo, ALFF and fALFF results. DPARSF can also create a report for excluding subjects with excessive head motion and generate a set of pictures for easily checking the effect of normalization. You can use DPARSF to extract AAL or ROI time courses (or extract Gray Matter Volume of AAL regions, command line only) efficiently if you want to perform small-world analysis. DPARSF basic edition is very easy to use, just click on buttons if you are not sure what it means, popup tips would tell you what you need to do. DPARSF advanced edition (alias: DPARSFA) is much more flexible, you can use it to reorient your images interactively or define regions of interest interactively. You can skip or combine the processing steps in DPARSF advanced edition freely. Please download a MULTIMEDIA COURSE to know more about how to use this software. Add DPARSF's directory to MATLAB's path and enter "DPARSF" or "DPARSFA" in the command window to enjoy DPARSF basic edition or advanced edition.

    The latest release is DPARSF_V2.1_120101.  


    Multimedia Course: Data Processing of Resting-State fMRI

    New features of DPARSF_V2.1_120101:
    For DPARSFA (Advanced Edition):
    1. Support .nii and .nii.gz 3D or 4D files. For 4D .nii(.gz) functional files, use Checkbox "4D Fun .nii(.gz) to 3D" to convert into 3D files. For T1 3D .nii.gz files, use Checkbox "Unzip T1 .gz" to unzip. Use Checkbox "Crop T1" to Reorient to the nearest orthogonal direction to "canonical space" and remove excess air surrounding the individual as well as parts of the neck below the cerebellum (MRIcroN's dcm2nii).
    2. Normalize by DARTEL has been added. Details: (1) "T1 Coreg to Fun": the individual structural T1 image is coregistered to the mean functional image after motion correction. (2) "New Segment + DARTEL": New Segment -- The transformed structural image is then segmented into gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid by using "New Segment" in SPM8. (3) "New Segment + DARTEL": DARTEL -- Create Template, and DARTEL -- Normalize to MNI space (Many Subjects) for GM, WM, CSF and T1 Images (unmodulated, modulated and smoothed [8 8 8] kernel versions). (4) "Normalize by DARTEL": DARTEL Normalize to MNI space (Few Subjects) for functional images. (5) "Smooth by DARTEL": DARTEL Normalize to MNI space (Few Subjects) for functinal images but with smooth kernel as specified, the smoothing is part of the normalisation to MNI space computes these average intensities from the original data, rather than the warped versions.
    3. Reorient functional images and reorient T1 images interactively before coregistration: Checkbox "Reorient Fun*" and Checkbox "Reorient T1*". Interactively reorienting the anatomic images and functional images so that the origin approximated the anterior commissure and the orientation approximated MNI space, this will improve the accuracy in coregistration and segmentation. This step could probably solve the bad normalization problem for some subjects in "normalized by unified segmentation" or "normalized by DARTEL".
    4. Multiple functional sessions supported. The directory should be named as FunRaw (or FunImg) for the first session; S2_FunRaw (or S2_FunImg) for the second session; and S3_FunRaw (or S3_FunImg) for the third session... In "Realign", "the sessions are first realigned to each other, by aligning the first scan from each session to the first scan of the first session. Then the images within each session are aligned to the first image of the session." (from SPM Manual).
    5. Fixed a bug for calculation error in the second (and 3rd, 4th, ...) subjects in "Calculate in Original Space (Warp by information in unified segmentation)".
    6. The calculations of ALFF and fALFF are promoted before filtering. Fixed a previous bug of calculating fALFF after filtering in the previous version of DPARSFA.
    7. Mac OS compatible.
    8. Template Parameters in DPARSFA:
        8.1. Standard Steps: Normalized by DARTEL
        8.2. Standard Steps: Normalized by DARTEL (Start from .nii.gz files)
        8.3. Standard Steps: Normalized by T1 image unified segmentation
        8.4. Calculate in Original Space (Warp by information in unified segmentation)
        8.5. Intraoperative Processing
        8.6. VBM (New Segment and DARTEL)
        8.7. VBM (unified segmentaition)
        8.8. Blank
    For DPARSF (Basic Edition)
    1. Normalize by DARTEL has been added. By checking "Normalized by using.. DARTEL", the processing details are the same as in DPARSFA: (1) "T1 Coreg to Fun": the individual structural T1 image is coregistered to the mean functional image after motion correction. (2) "New Segment + DARTEL": New Segment -- The transformed structural image is then segmented into gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid by using "New Segment" in SPM8. (3) "New Segment + DARTEL": DARTEL -- Create Template, and DARTEL -- Normalize to MNI space (Many Subjects) for GM, WM, CSF and T1 Images (unmodulated, modulated and smoothed [8 8 8] kernel versions). (4) "Normalize by DARTEL": DARTEL Normalize to MNI space (Few Subjects) for functional images. (5) "Smooth by DARTEL": DARTEL Normalize to MNI space (Few Subjects) for functinal images but with smooth kernel as specified, the smoothing is part of the normalisation to MNI space computes these average intensities from the original data, rather than the warped versions.

    Hope to finish a video course for the new features in soon.

  • Regarding errors

    Submitted by Neeraj Upadhyay on
    Dear all, when I was doing analysis of my own data a problem occur after realigned normalized and smoothed when it reached to the regress out nuisance co-variates . the error is : ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> DPARSFA_run at 1024
  • Regarding analysis

    Submitted by Neeraj Upadhyay on
    Dear all, I am a beginner of DPARSF. when I was analyzing my data found an error in mapping functional connectivity .Please tell me about the procedure using REST how I can make the Covariate list to regress out nuissance covariates. One more query regarding T1Raw analysis what parameters we have to set for T1 images analysis.
  • height extent correction

    Submitted by liufeng on
    管理员好: 最近看文章很多是用height和extent校正的,也是用一个p值和一个cluster size,问下这个是不是和alphasim差不多或者就是指的alphasim呢?我记得ni上可能02年左右有一篇文章是专门介绍这个校正的原理的,不过具体操作也没有说。 这个校正该如何实现呢?用什么软件呢?或者extent这个cluster应该如何定义比较合理呢? 谢谢!
  • 老师,想请教您2个关于ALFF的问题

    Submitted by cappuccinoxt on
    老师,你好! 我现在在学习ALFF,在数据处理过程中遇到了一些问题,希望得到答案。谢谢您答疑解惑。 1. 被试数据扫描时间不同,在一次扫描过程中,有的被试是185volumes,而有的是200volumes。臧老师07年发的Brain Development文章中在遇到此类问题时的处理办法是:将具有200个volumes的被试的最后15个volumes去除,将所有被试的volume数保持相同,都为185volumes,然后进行下一步的分析。我想问的是,不去除这15个volumes可以嘛直接计算每个个体的ALFF map可以嘛?如果必须去除,原因又是什么?
  • DPARSFA 出错

    Submitted by yubing on
    Win XP ,Matlab 7.01 ,SPM5 ,REST 1.6 处理示例数据时出错 Read 3D EPI functional images: "H:\fMRI_tang\REST\ProcessingDemoData\test\FunImgARWS\Sub_001".??? Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded. Error in ==> repmat at 86 B = A(subs{:}); Error in ==> rest_to4d at 63 AllVolume =repmat(AllVolume, [1,1,1, size(ImgFileList,1)]);
  • 不同的TR扫描时间、不同扫描层数的静息态fMRI数据能否在一起分析?

    Submitted by cartoon654 on
    老师您好: 我现在有一些静息态fMRI数据,但有的图像的TR时间和扫描层数和其他的数据不一样,能否将这些数据一起分析?会出现什么样的结果?