Functional Connectivity and statistical questions

Submitted by Jaczhao on

Dear professor Yan, 

I'm using the dpabi toolbox to calculate functional connectivity for two group of subjects and trying to compare the result, and I have the 3 following questions:

1. Which text file I should select to put into network analysis for graphic properties: the one from 'ROISignals_FunImgARCWS' or the one from 'ROISignals_FunImgARglobalCWS'?

2. The similar one with the first: which result I should look at if I want to compare FC results between the two group: the ones from 'FC_FunImgARCWS' or 'FC_FunImgARglobalCWS'?

3.I defined 8 ROIs in the preprocessing step, and I got 8 zROIxFCMap_Sub_001.nii files for each subjects.

Shall I merge the 8 nill files for each subject before statistical analysis? like the below: 

Group 1 (zROImergedFCMap_Sub_001,zROImergedFCMap_Sub_002...)

Group 2 (ROImergedFCMap_Sub_001,zROImergedFCMap_Sub_002...)

Or I compare them seperately, for 8 times (8 two sample t-tests):

Group 1 (zROI1FCMap_Sub_001,zROI1FCMap_Sub_002...)

Group 2 (ROI1FCMap_Sub_001,zROI1FCMap_Sub_002...)//

Group 1 (zROI2FCMap_Sub_001,zROI2FCMap_Sub_002...)

Group 2 (ROI2FCMap_Sub_001,zROI2FCMap_Sub_002...)//


Group 1 (zROI8FCMap_Sub_001,zROI2FCMap_Sub_002...)

Group 2 (ROI8FCMap_Sub_001,zROI2FCMap_Sub_002...)//

I would be truly appreciated if you could give me some help! 
