I am using the DPARSF toolbox to run through 1 subject's data as my first case.
Towards the end I get this error (see in red below) regarding symbolic link cretaion; I am using a remote server that doesn't allow this operation (something about NTFS versus other system).
"...VMHC compution over, elapsed time: 5.9 seconds.
Smoothing the resutls...
Running job #1
Running 'Smooth'
Done 'Smooth'
Moving Smoothed Files:fALFF_FunRawARCW OK
Moving Smoothed Files:DegreeCentrality_FunRawARCWF OK
Moving Smoothed Files:FC_FunRawARCWF OK
Moving Smoothed Files:ReHo_FunRawARCWF OK
Moving Smoothed Files:VMHC_FunRawARCWFsymS OK
Moving Smoothed Files:ALFF_FunRawARCW OK
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘~/ReHo/FunImgARglobal’: Operation not supported.."
Which file is it looking for and how can I set up the copy into this folder, so that when I run this analysis for a large group, it can be done within the pipeline?
thank you,
Below is a snapshot of the file structure. FunImgARglobalCovs is currently empty
You can copy FunImgAR to
You can copy FunImgAR to FunImgARglobal, and then continue the analysis with global signal regression.
In that case do I uncheck all
In that case do I uncheck all of the earlier options on the GUI (slice timing, segment, normalize etc.)? or I simply copy the file to the necessary folder and re-run dpabi? Do I have to this each time, for every subject?
thank you,
Uncheck the options till
Uncheck the options till nuisance gression. Remember to set the correct starting directory name.