Thank you for your reply. I provided the incorrect version of DPARSF in my email. I apologize. We used DPARSF 2.3 (not 3.2). How does DPARSF version 2.3 perform the regression? I'm sorry for the confusion!
Hi RfMRI-team,
I am trying to replicate results of a previous published study before
moving ahead. We are having trouble replicating so we need to know
specifics about how DPARSF Version 3.2 performs the nuissance regression
(motion, CSF and WM). This is the how the team whose results we are trying
to replicate did their pre-processing:
"In our pipeline, we use aCompCor nuisance regressors estimated within
white matter (mask defined in FreeSurfer) and CSF (from SPM) masks, in
addition to the 6 realignment parameters and their derivatives." (The
aCompCor approach produces PCA components which estimate noise in WM+CSF
regions, which is not exactly the same as taking the mean time course of a
noise region. The masks for white matter and CSF could also be different
between our two pipelines.)
*Does DPARSF version 3.2 perform the regression in a way similar to that
described above or does it regress out the mean or something different? *
Thank you for your time.
In DPARSFA 3.2, there is an option to choose CompCor or Mean. If you choose CompCor, then it performs like the same way.
Re: [RFMRI] Nuissance
Re: [RFMRI] Nuissance
Re: [RFMRI] Nuissance