modulation in dparsfa2.3

Submitted by fish on

Dear Dr. Yan,

Could I ask that in your DPARSFA2.3, if I only used T1 image for segment and normalize bu using T1 image unified segmentation, the result of mwc1 image, I mean modulation files, is it m or m0( non-linear only)?

Any advice will be appreciated.



YAN Chao-Gan

Thu, 08/20/2015 - 08:37

Hi Fish,

In SPM12, "the warped data are not scaled by the Jacobian determinants when generating the "modulated" data. Instead, the original voxels are projected into their new location in the warped images." -- Page 46, SPM Manual.

DPARSF calls SPM functions, thus has the exact procedures as SPM.

