degree centrality

Submitted by lena123 on
Dear REST team There seems to be some problem in calling the mPF_list variable for degree centrality I am using a recursively called directory with 20 subjects, each subject folder containing 235 volumes Pls see the message below: Starting matlabpool using the 'local' configuration ... There is no data or non-data files in this directory: /Volumes/LenaOXFIMAC/Desktop/FunImgARWSDFC_artrepaired/cont Please re-select connected to 1 labs. Now REST is Running on 1 workers. Exception occured. (MATLAB:UndefinedFunction) Undefined function or variable "mPF_list". 1197#line, run_pushbutton_Callback, in "/Volumes/LenaOXFIMAC/Documents/MATLAB/REST_V1.8PRE_120905/rest_DegreeCentrality_gui.m" 96#line, gui_mainfcn, in "/Applications/" 44#line, rest_DegreeCentrality_gui, in "/Volumes/LenaOXFIMAC/Documents/MATLAB/REST_V1.8PRE_120905/rest_DegreeCentrality_gui.m" 0#line, @(hObject,eventdata)rest_DegreeCentrality_gui('run_pushbutton_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)), in "" Many thanks Lena

I have fixed the error and push code to Chao-gan, please wait for his update. Again, thanks a lot for your report. BTW, if you want to use parallel computing, no just use 1, and if you not, use 0 when you open REST Sandy