
help for an error about NBS

Submitted by yangth0306 on
Dear Prof. Johann,
Graphvar is a nice software and I learn to use graphvar based on matlab 2014b for 64 bit. When i do the the network based statistics to  identify a graph component that relates to age, hit the "NBS" button as  stated in the tutorial, the network inspector window open,but no results were produced after applying 0.01 alpha. and  if i press the button of brainne or export or export p, an error appeared. could you help solve this problem?

With DTI data only?

Submitted by lechap on

Hello everyone,

I have seen several published articles that used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data and the Brain Connectivity Toolbox to study graph theory (so no fMRI data whatsoever). Does Graphvar allow for studying graph theory using DTI data only or it necessarily requires some resting-state timeseries? It seems to me, according to the user guides and the recently published article by Kruschwitz et al (2015), that it sounds possible if some matrix were to be created first. It's only that most of the tutorials are explained through resting-state example, so I'm not sure.

error about graphvar

Submitted by yangth0306 on
Dear prof., 
There is an error shown below, could you help me? Thanks a lot.
Warning: Could not find an exact (case-sensitive) match for 'graphvar'.
is a case-insensitive match and will be used instead.
You can improve the performance of your code by using exact
name matches and we therefore recommend that you update your
usage accordingly.

help for error about please select subject name in file name

Submitted by yangth0306 on

Dear professor,

I have set the parameters according the tutorial about the workspace-chilli-contest, but matlab indicate an error-please select subject name in file name, and it does not work.

at the same time, there is a worning in matlab:

Warning: Possible deprecated use of set on a Java object with an HG Property 'MouseMovedCallback'. 

Bug in GraphVar resolved

Submitted by Johann Kruschwitz on

Due to the help of a very commited community member (SASKE), we encountered a bug in GraphVar that could occured in case numbers (e.g. 0 1) were used instead of strings (e.g. "male" "female")  for defining groups (strings were suggested in the default variable sheet). In case of numbers (i.e., numeric) group assignment mismatches of subjects could occure. We are very very sorry for this huge inconvenience and would therefore like to appologize to all GraphVar users that have used GraphVar with the above named specifications.

Group labelling problem (updated)

Submitted by on

Dear Johann,

First of all, sorry for deleting our last topic.

I wanted to remove someone on our email loops but it was just deleted.


I tried with same parameters you sent to me in last reply.

I will send you my data and variable sheets.

Please check these data.

If you get same results, would you send me setting parameters and results as you sent in last reply?


In addition, could you explain how to make one sample t-test result without any covariates (e.g., age or IQ etc).

Question of 'Variables.xlsx' for group comparison

Submitted by on

Dear Johann,

I just tested group comprison results with different input in 'Variables.xlsx'.

One case is input with numbers (e.g. group 1 / group 2), the other is input with letters (e.g. group a / group b).

The results were quite different each other.

For group comparison, should I input only letters in 'Variables.xlsx' as the attached figure ?

Best regard,
