help for error about please select subject name in file name

Submitted by yangth0306 on

Dear professor,

I have set the parameters according the tutorial about the workspace-chilli-contest, but matlab indicate an error-please select subject name in file name, and it does not work.

at the same time, there is a worning in matlab:

Warning: Possible deprecated use of set on a Java object with an HG Property 'MouseMovedCallback'. 

> In GraphVar>list_brainvars_var_Callback at 63
  In gui_mainfcn at 96
  In GraphVar at 40
  In @(hObject,eventdata)GraphVar('list_brainvars_var_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) 
could you help me solve the problem? thanks a lot!

Johann Kruschwitz

Sat, 03/28/2015 - 08:40

Hi, if there is a warning telling you to select the subject name, you probably forgot to do so. You may check the tutorial on page 7 (there it shows what is meant by selecting the subject name). You can ignore the other warning, as this is specific to the matlab version - i think you may use 2014 or later (they changed something with the java options that does not impact the calculations). Best, Johann