
Wrong ROI definition, Restplus

Submitted by kristinnordin on

Dear all,

I’m doing resting-state connectivity analyses in RESTplus (1.2), but keep on encountering an error message when extracting my ROI time courses (see text below). The mask files are all resliced according to BrainMask_05_61x73x61.img, and I’ve tried using mask files in both .nii and .img/.hdr format. Please let me know what I can do to make this step work.


Thank you!



Error using sprintf

Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.


Dear Experts: DPARSF beginner

Submitted by hashimoto on

Would you mind helping me?

I downloaded "Demo data for DPARSF" from The R-fMRI Network, and set the pass. Then I started the program. It run halfway, but stopped with the error as follows.

I have made efforts to solve this problem, but I can't.

If there were somebody who knows the resolution method, please teach me. (And my MATLAB version is R2016b)


Generating AutoMasks begin...


Would you mind spending some time to reply me about using GIFT to do group-ICA?

Submitted by zhoujun on

Dear everyones,

Recently, I use GIFT to conduct group Independent component analysis(ICA) on 5 sessions of one subject ,which were preprocessed by DPARSF.  However, just 3 ICs were found, and they seems to be noises.

Besides, using the same processing steps on 4sessions of  the other one subject , we could obtain 12 ICs, of which there were exists functional networks, such as auditory. 


Submitted by zhoujun on


我最近使用了GIFT对已经预处理好的一种3T设备扫描的5组数据进行group ICA, 但是只得到了3种成分,3种成分似乎都是噪声,不像是有用的功能网络。然而,用同样的流程处理了另外的设备上扫描的5组数据,却能正常的得出10多种成分。其中也包括了听觉网络等功能网络。




Please help me. Begginer.

Submitted by hashimoto on
Dear Experts
Would you mind helping me?
I have downloaded DPABI folder, and put it in MATLAB folder.And I have set up the path on MATLAB. Then I also downloaded the sample data named "ProcessingDemoData" from the web.
Then I put it in C:\Img_data and set the working directory as C:\Img_data\ProcessingDemoData, and also set my starting directory name as "C:\Img_data\ProcessingDemoData\FunRaw". After that, I start to "run" the program, but it always stops.
My directory's stracture is shown as Picture 1.