Help: error encountered when reorienting images using dpabi
Hi, dear Yan and members,
Hi, dear Yan and members,
Dear all,
Recently, I calculated the large-scale FC by used Power's mask. But after that, I suddenly found out that the node of this mask does not have a specific name to indicate which brain area it belongs.
So, for now, I am really confused, and cannot found the details about the node of mask.
Looking forward all fellow's help!
Dear Yan,
Hi everybody, our team (Lapsyde, Laboratory for the Psychology of Child Development and Education, Paris, France) have some questions about DPARSF toolbox and bandpass filtering for ReHo analysis.
Is it possible to extract local metric data (e.g., local efficiency values) from a single group regression analysis post regressing out nuisance variables? I.e. in a similar way as to select only control group or only patient group in group analysis at the bottom of the results viewer (I ran two separate analyses). That way I could plot local efficiency values on a specific node against a clinical measure.
Many thanks,
as I see, DPABI has the option to calculate measures like ALFF in native space and then to normalize the derivates and smooth the derivatives. On which article or method is this based on?
I am new to analyzing network data, so i am a bit unsure how to turn raw nifti files which contain task based data into readable files to input into GraphVar for building a connectivity matrix. help?
Dear readers,
I am wondering about the following circumstance:
I realigned my fMRI-images with DPARSF (s. realigned_image) but now I noticed that their orientation (anteriro-posterior) does not match that of the SPM template used for normalization (SPM_template). Is that a mistake of my own or does DPARSF change this orientation difference during normalization?
with kind regards
Markus Loose
Dear all,
Thank you for the great toolbox. I am new at using DPARSF and I am still trying to familiarize with it.