Normaliztion check pictures

Submitted by Ido Ji on


I am trying to conduct preprocessing of resting-state fMRI.

Among those steps, I can get "pictures for check normalization"

However, no matter how I reorient images, I couldn't get images that I think ideal.


This link shows images that I reoriented and the attained results after normalization.



However, what I think to be ideal is this picture.



How can I get it to be ideal images?





Submitted by James on

Hi everyone, 

I know that this thread is for DPABI but I am hoping to post here in case anyone can help with my query as I have not received any responses from the GraphVar thread,will appreciate any inputs, thank you for your help. 


DPABI ANCOVA(Repeated measures)的数据导入格式问题

Submitted by YLucille on


我有两组受试者,分别有治疗前、后的rfMRI图像,想比较两组间的疗效差异,需要控制年龄、性别等一些混杂因素。是否可通过DPABI的ANCOVA(repeated measures)工具分析?Group images, covariate images, text covariates 里面应该按怎样的顺序和格式载入以上数据呢?



segment error with customized tpm.nii

Submitted by wangmx on

Dear Professor, thanks for your attention.

 When I used DPABI to preprocess  task fMRI data by New Segment + DARTEL, the default tpm.nii ( {DPABI}/Templates/SPMTemplates/tpm/TPM.nii) was replaced by the Chinese pediatric tpm.nii in CHNPD_v1.5. 

(software version: dpabi 5.0, spm 12, CHNPD_v1.5, matlabR20105b)

Implementing FielMap correction with magnitude and phase files already converted to .nii

Submitted by JulianG on


Dear Forum,

I preprocess fMRI data which has been converted to .nii format. I wonder how I could use FieldMap correction when the magnitude and phase1 phase2 images are in .nii. The toolbox seems to read only dcm files for this particular step. I unsuccesfully tried out the following data structure:  

How do I use the DPABI_VIEW interface surface view with BrainNet Viewer

Submitted by yangfan on

Dear teacher, I want to use brainnet viewer under DPABI_VIEW interface to display the results, but the following error occurs during the opening process. How can I solve it?

Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.