Unfortunately the field 'DPARSFVersion' in the jobtemplates is still set to 'V2.2_120901Beta'. Having worked a lot with this beta version and now working with the final Version 2.2 I had some troubles tracing back some results, because I used the software version indicated in the saved mat-files, which was the wrong one. Can you provide updated templates ? Beneath that, I like to work with DPARSF and REST. Best thanks !
Re: DPARSF_V2.2_121225 / Jobmats / Template....mat
Thanks for your report!
Actually, the template jobmats are V2.2_121225 compatible (all the V2.2_120901Beta job mats should be still usable in the final version). One thing is that I forgot to change the field of "DPARSFVersion" saved in the .mat file. I will change them in the next release.